Alex The Sharpshooter 2 (LEGACY)
7 months ago

Third anniversary of Legacy ATS 2!

I actually thought it was the fourth, guess time doesn't pass as quickly as one may think.

It's genuinely crazy how it's been THREE YEARS since I started ATS 2, and it still hasn't been finished...

ATS 2 as a game actually started with a mobile gamedev tool called "Pocket Dev" (Unfortunately, that version is lost to time, so I can't really show it off) .

I remember when me and @SOSTeraDrive were testing the game in the Demo 2 days, and SOS struggled on Road-Man's stage because of the enemy spam...

(i had to nerf it afterwards lmao)

I remember these REALLY old sprites I made before ATS 1 even started development, and how much they actually sucked.


There was one idea of the "Rainbow Missile" as an unlockable weapon too (that image above is from 2020)

I remember the very first test build of the game and how simple it was (the Legacy sprites weren't made at that point).

I remember the "update post" that I made using a crusty Internet connection before I stopped working on the game, with the shittiest idle ever (which I re-did, but I still find both of them unbearable) .

I remember when I started to seriously think about redoing the entire thing... and then...

I had an epiphany.

I realized that this was likely the best course of action, especially considering that ATS 3 would have likely sucked if I made it back then.

And so I started drawing, and conceptualizing, and drawing some more, and after 1 and a half years, I'm almost ready to start again.

ATS 2 is the sole reason I got so much better at drawing and making games.

And even though it sucked, I respect it for that.

Which is why I want to do the new version justice.

Unfortunately, I don't have anything to show for it, but I'll definitely try to make something soon enough.

Goodbye Legacy ATS 2, I finally put you to rest.



Next up

I once made him mad. For a split second, the room turned dark and in front of me appeared a broken face. It's searing stare burned me alive... and suddenly... it was over. This was clearly a warning. I see there is a good reason why he calls himself KING.

famous last words

edit: dont worry guys! even if i may be mentally insane the game will be finished soon!

10 am GMT+2

epic fuckin dev photo to get interest going!

OH RIGHT SOSINA CAMEO! she was made by @SOSTeraDrive

would yall believe me if i told you this was for a fnaf fangame

edit: check my youtube channel!!!


EDIT: that's right bois!!

PROJECT PAIN IS BACK FOR A THIRD TIME! what is that u ask???

read the article if u wanna know.

minor progress


i use the name FuckWallTrigger(s) to define the points where main events of HILL1 take place.

here is (in order) every dev graphic I've made for them (these are not meant to be seen in game btw! they are just placeholders!)
