MARC'S Dumpster

1 month ago

Third Game- Snip The Sniper

STS or Snip The Sniper

Another arcade platformer, you control the character Snip whose goal is to kill all the monsters that have appeared in his homeland.


Alpha: arrow keys, left mouse shoot and right mouse aim

other versions: keyboard ASDW, left mouse shoot and right aim


This was an interesting game to create, so much so that it was the beginning of 2020 and little did I know that there was going to be a quarantine of the damn virus. Anyway, Snip the Sniper, it wasn't supposed to have that name, in the files I called it Srp, a brevity for “Sniper Panic”.

the game has 3 versions, one of which is on


Demo gamejam

and the final version (which I never released)


starting with the alpha version, a bit messy, I was learning how to make pixel art inspired by the sprites of opengameart and retro games.

The map design was very basic, the same for the ground.


Snip the main character, his design was more like an Atari 2600 game.


looking at it today, I like how it turned out. the monsters are pretty basic

more like a slime creature with an open mouth full of (slime) teeth.


I was creating new systems besides a moving character,

I created a weapon system, changing the mouse icon to a crosshair (sometimes it doesn't go back to being a crosshair), AI for enemies, a destruction system and even AIMING.

by holding down the right mouse button, you can aim at enemies and even shoot at them (which is pretty pointless, but it doesn't matter).


the demo has been greatly improved from the previous one, now when you shoot the enemies with one hit, they make a dying animation

the snip now holds the gun in order to shoot

(this system was difficult to make, because I had to create an arm sprite and a weapon sprite, and then make a system that makes the arms stick to the character's torso and the weapon in the hands)

now in this version there's a life and score system.

and of course b r i c k s, which are pretty useless and only serve to destroy you if you shoot them.

The lost full version:
More improvements in this version, and now it was 2021, and I was practicing my animation and pixel art skills on aseprite.

the bricks now have a function (they're no longer useless :) )

destroying them spawns a medkit that adds more life

monster sprites and animations have been improved

map graphics have been changed

and still a title screen saying the name of the game
this is so far a very cool game to play and learn

and so worth it
but of course there are still plenty of games that beat it

1 comment


Next up

New banner


I forgot to mention that, for a long time after these updates, the in-game trophy system has been deactivated. It will soon be back up and running better


Wha cha doin?

NEW night cycle of bloodness update 5.5

-volume adjustments

-changed enemy graphics

-more animations

-simplified tutorial

-fixed the pause system bug

-improved game optimization

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