Undertale : BeheadingTale (Official)
4 years ago

This AU was going to be published on Halloween last year

But I forgot to publish it, well in September or October I release the demo xd



Next up


Sans Sprite made by me

(Soon I will take out the drawings of all the characters, and their personalities)

All the sprites of the sans that will appear in the demo

-Ultra Sans made by OcasCraft17 -…


Design Confirmed

(I don't put phase 4 because later it ends up as Last Breaht)

Comrades, let him stop

I leave this Phase 2 of sans

or leave the original?

- Undertale Ultra Reset -

Sans Sprite - Made by me

(I can't believe it took me so long to put a final design on sans but hey)

New sans design

- Made by me

( Even I was disgusted to see so many eyes xd )


Demo preview, battle with sans

-Undertale Ultra Reset-

Modified Sans Sprite

Made by me (JuanXP)


Sans new sprite

Made by me (JuanXP)