5 years ago

This community was one of the best groups to make channel art and icon for!



Next up

Kong but 1933

Kirby vs. Meta Knight

I want to pummel this rat into the ground but I beat the game

And yes I did only collect 32 cheese

Are you a Metroid fan?

What are your thoughts on Metroid Fusion? A client requested the cover art, as a shadowbox, but my picture frames are in 4:3 aspect ratio. What about extending the artwork then? VoilĂ !

Attention to Samus helm's visor.

say "hey guys"

Let's get back to business, shall we? A commission that took waaaay to long around here. Not happy with the transparent lava and its LED lighting, but I had to improvise. Other than that, I'm hoping the client be praised by the composition.

Hello everyone we are excited to announce we have a brand new Discord server for the Kirby Community! So consider joining and maybe invite some of your friends! https://discord.gg/v5FHVCzs

Godzilla Earth

Samus vs Meta Ridley

Tri-Star Godzilla