I am going to be honest. I despise FNaW THE Urban Legend. It felt more like an experiment than a game that I put much thought into it. The game was buggy on release date because I did not beta test it (should have done that, but I was too burnt out after finishing the game). Chapter 1 and The Final Chapter were the only chapters that I already have in mind so no wonder they are the best chapter. I was so frustrated with FNaW THE Urban Legend that I made no progress on it for an entire week. The game is ass, but I kept saying to myself: "You have to stay determined!". In the end, the game was "finished". I released it, and all the stress was lifted off.
Five Nights at Wario's Beneath the STETHOSCOPE contrasts everything about THE Urban Legend. It is more polished, it has less bugs and I had so much fun making it. Literally, I could not sleep without thinking ideas for FNaW Beneath the STETHOSCOPE. Everyday after school, I would instantly boot up my PC and start working on the game with a smile on my face knowing that this will be the best creation I have ever made. I love this game and I always wanted it to be what I am known for.