Six Nights at Impostor's: Oops! All Hedgehogs! (RECODE)

7 months ago

this game’s been dead long enough.


• Eunin:

He put stickers on his hat to look more “cool”, replaced his bow tie with a new one too! still his usual cheery self.

• Nocam:

Not much different from him except Eunin’s old bow tie he got from him as a gift, still the creepy smiling robot hedgehog with a heart monitor for pupils.

• Silvna:

She got a chef hat so people know that she doesn’t just smoke, she also got a scarf because the kitchen was “cold”. ROBOTS CAN’T EVEN FEEL TEMPERATURE- Ahem, anyway. Her cupcake turned into something that’ll be revealed later, but not today. Still her careless (and a little bit stupid) self.

• Mariosans:

Where’d his eyepatch go?- Meh, I’m sure he’ll find it soon, anyway, he’s got a cape now! (my “creativity” ran out too fast), Still the pirate… plumber… hedgehog.




Next up

sir gtfo my doorway

wtf is this

happy nine years to fnaf world

y’all have no idea how much I loved this game

I wanted to make so many fan games on it but I barely knew how to make a battle system (and still don’t know)

sorry there ain’t been progress

ain’t had no cool ideas yet lol


Because this game will take four-ever to come out!

…Kill me

UUUUUUHM Mspaint IV when are we getting the fifth build.....

i got a main!!!

Yo, new stuff + monitor animation.

fun fact before I go back to fnai: SNaI was originally gonna be a ONaF inspired game before I went the simpler route since I didn’t know how to code much back then