2 years ago

this guy is ass (you can kill yourself in 3-4 moves, and he doesn't even die in a cool way. he just sits in his regular idle)

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I'm on that grind brah and brahettes

I played YOMI hustle for the first time, it went... uhm... swell (gif by me)

🗑 (only trashcan emoji i could find)

Brah i'm not an elden ring boss 😡😡


If you want to contact me: My Discord is sutardedtheone My Instagram is Sutarded ↓↓↓ (https://www.instagram.com/sutarded/) My Twitter is @Sufartman (SutardedTO) (https://x.com/Sufartman) Goodbye.

Hey. (Please read this)

I got that silly chara character 😈