Agent A: A puzzle in disguise

6 years ago

This is a deadly game of cat and mouse! 😼

#agentAgame #storyboard #art #puzzle #adventure #enemyspy #catandmouse



Next up

Early work on a new puzzle design for Chapter 5. Things are coming along nicely with Chapter 5 work. Looking forward to our full release! Don't forget to check out our free demo on Game Jolt :) #indie #puzzle #adventure

“Oh and agent... do be careful. Miss La Rouge has a taste for dismissing agents such as yourself.” Do you have the nous to find hidden clues and solve tricky puzzles? #agentAgame #puzzle #adventure #pointnclick

By gosh, Ruby has made one heck of a mess in here! Surely she could have cleaned up a little before she left!? Hrm, focus Agent A! No time to waste if you want to catch Miss Ruby La Rouge. #indie #puzzle #adventure #pointnclick

Phew, that was a narrow escape … Where will Ruby's evil tricks lead us next? We won't stop until we end her spy career! #indie #puzzle #adventure #pointnclick

Ever wondered what our behind the scenes work looks like? Here’s an example of a sketch and the final version of a scene from Agent A. What do you think? #indie #puzzle #adventure #pointnclick

Behind the scenes: 1) A look at one of our new environments before it's prettied up. 2) And the final version - looking suave :) I wonder if the old beast actually works?? I'm not sure if passes safety regulations! Chapter 1 FREE DEMO available now

Looks like there’s some treasure to discover in chapter 5! #agentAgame #puzzle #adventure

Günther says "G'day!" 🐦 Günther is from Norway but has been hanging out with 2 Aussie's for too long and has picked up an accent. Günther will be making his debut appearance in Chapter 5 ... will he help you, or will he hinder you?

Looks like a secret lair... The perfect place to hide for a deadly enemy spy like Ruby La Rouge! Agent A has many intriguing scenes to explore & puzzles to solve. Try our FREE demo & let us know what you think of them. #AgentAgame #indiegame #puzzle

Behind the scenes: Chapter 5 Storyboard The dastardly chief! Those brows are a little reminiscent of devil horns ... 🤔 #indie #puzzle #adventure #pointnclick