Those night at brandintwd's island of doom (BIOD)

5 days ago

This is a high quality recreation of how my real life room looks like.



Next up

Be afraid, not of me, but be afraid of them.

Remodeled the office.

Well, not remodeled, but re-painted the office.

I'm bored 2

The Raddycal and the Wender.

the brand is back


Ran out of time to make real teasers! so youll have to take 3 teasers i made and some of the in-game screenshots (NONE OF THE IN-GAME SCREENSHOTS ARE FINAL)

the gosh darn uuuuh the uuuh

the negative

MENUS!!!111!!, i have shown some, but, i remade them, YIPPEE!

I'm bored, did these goobers.

That's it.

Cuddles, since @luisquinto asked me to do fanart, and Cuddles looks pretty kewl.

Also Cuddles meets Happy Tree Friends Cuddles.

Oh hell nah, Pinki getting freaky