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Be afraid, not of me, but be afraid of them.
Remodeled the office.
Well, not remodeled, but re-painted the office.
I'm bored 2
The Raddycal and the Wender.
Ran out of time to make real teasers! so youll have to take 3 teasers i made and some of the in-game screenshots (NONE OF THE IN-GAME SCREENSHOTS ARE FINAL)
the gosh darn uuuuh the uuuh
the negative
MENUS!!!111!!, i have shown some, but, i remade them, YIPPEE!
I'm bored, did these goobers.
That's it.
Cuddles, since @luisquinto asked me to do fanart, and Cuddles looks pretty kewl.
Also Cuddles meets Happy Tree Friends Cuddles.