I block : pedochils, manipulators, drama makers and toxic di- :)
Soo, about me, I'm a new-like Dev, It's my DREAM to make a game popular,I'm Taken :D:, I love roleplaying with my friends ^^, my game is on "Roblox" called "Underverse RNG"
(It's Still WIP, you can't play it rn)
a bit about me
Soo When i was 6, i downloaded roblox, and i joined some random ass game- called "Free admin", i've met "Mody" there, i didn't had chat backthere soo we just friended eachother, and that's how our best friendship started!!!
we are still best friends to THIS moment!! :)
now, About @im_the_Kult smth, he's my secound first best friend, right after mody, i forgor how we met tho!!!
he epic.
Soo, I have a BAD Chilldhood, (im not an adult btw-)
but, i'm glad things changed and now i have lots of friends :D!!!
My biggest fears are: Infinity, Being alone (not as only relationships, friendships too).
idk what else to say, ask me things in the comments, Q&A!!!
My future Plans?
soo, after i release underverse rng, and make till the Update 6-9 idk, smth like that, then i will abound (or sell) the game, after that, i will start making a new game, called Backrooms : Beyond the Infinity, or smth like that, soo yea, Underverse RNG aint gonna be my game that i will plan on doing soo much, it will be Backrooms : Beyond The infinity or smth like that, now about the game:
it won't be on roblox, it will be VERY Hard RPG Game, it will be like crafting, escaping and killing like that, but it won't be like, 3 sticks, and 2 rocks - pickaxe, nuh, it will be like, : U need nails, a plank, and u have to shape a rock, and combine them with some planks and nails, smth like that, soo ye, it will be a hard one.
Underverse RNG Community : https://gamejolt.com/c/Underverse_RNG-3aacr5

I make Sometimes videos, idk if they are good or bad, you tell me xD
Videos Community : https://gamejolt.com/c/ItsJustATheorie-x3uh7e
I LOVEEEEE making Lores and theories, my fav lore-making-games/videos are : The Backrooms, FNAF.
Lores And Theories Community : https://gamejolt.com/c/ItsJustATheorie-x3uh7e
Roblox Group : https://www.roblox.com/communities/34886515/Nightmares-Castle#!/about
About my Friends, I have alot of them, lemme talk about ALL of them, first,
, My secound Best BFF :D He's a super cool dude, funny and Super fun to play with :D ,^^,
, he's my BFF, he's my Animator and graphic-maker too, he's epic :D,
@Icantanymore never talked to him yet XD
Super cool guy, my pookie/bff :DD, funny, and amazing :D
's Alt XD
@deathbyskyl4r_ don't know yet :D
epic super cool funny amazing bff :D
She/He makes amazing Arts :D rlly cool dude!
my very ogg bfffffffffffffffff He's amazing, funny, and fun to play with :D
forgor about him (xd)
my friend :D that plays Forsaken AR with me :D
A NewFriend, seems like a cool dude, hope we will be bffs :D, Plays with me in Forsaken AR
Super cool dude, the creator of the game called " The HappyHills Homicide" Super fun game!!! :D ( gore, blood and disturbing Images.)
my epic friend, The BILL CIPHER HIM SELF!!!!!!
Epic Friend :DDDD
Epic and funny guy!
don't know him, why do i have you on friends ._.?
@SeriaI_D_V a little cutie pie!!! Funny and very fun to play with :D
Bff, also my crewmate (ANOTHER FEMALE IN MY CASTLE...)
Just a !Bot lmao
@AlexGamerPlays Mr. Black from sprunki, my bff, epic cool dud ( no offense, but needs to learn a bit of grammar XD )
very cool dude, super cool bff too :D
super cool diamond, bling bling-
My BFF!!! Makes games too! you should check em' out, they seem SOOOOOOOOOO GUD!!! :D also a chill guy and very cool >:)
@Fuzzy_lolmy bff FUZZY, RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA- he's fuzzy, super cool and funny dude :D
Brand-New Frendship, he vomits like me :D he vomits blood, i vomit goop :DDDDDDDDD-
@MateX_001 Brand-New Frendship , seems cool >:D
@HamanyFahad Brand-New FriendShip, bandy
@_xprate002_ My BFF, da bacon, epic funny guy, and also fun to play with, his home adress is-
@ablizorm BFF, is cool and funi, epic jokes- :3
@TheStickmanWhite Ma friendos, brand-new friendship, seems epic.
@prime_soul JUDGEMENT!!! ma friendo! :3 JUDGEMEN-
@DonnaLowman MY BFF!!! funny, joyful and and funi :D
@Nene_cd93 My Bff, funni, a bit annoying- and coooool.
@-Bacon- my bff, funni and joyful :D!
@ULTRAKILL9000 Ma bff!!! epic guy ngll frfr
@JAMEZ_lilWAFFLEZartist Ma bff!!!213214124124124124 im gonna eat him-
@JAMEZ_lilWAFFLEZgameingALT Ma bff!!!213214124124124124 im gonna eat him- 2.0
@Super-Phone-Breaker Ma bff!!! funni dud, and likes bambi. DONT LET HIM GET TO UR CORN.
@-Cool1x1x1x1- Ma Bff, Funni and fun to play with!!! :3
Matching avatars with @Alex_wants_cookies
Noobie!!! :3

(^ This Drawing was made by @Xx0Hollow0xX ^ )

Emoty :3

I have a C00lKIDDS TEAM!!! (Im the Leader)
and @Alex_wants_cookies (My dad) >:3
Welp, i think that's all, byeee :D
Oh and i reposted it, cuz idk why i can't Pin the old one >:(