8 months ago

This is day 24 of showcasing my Lego collection from smallest to biggest and today it’s this trail kid…I don’t know, I don’t want to say much but this minifigure is the weakest one in series 25. Hes got a train with nothing else. Not my favorite one sadly



Next up

Day twenty six of showing my tf2 screenshots.

Side eye Demoman (he’s not a good Demoman).


Day twenty two of showing my tf2 screenshots.

Oh geez what the heck is going on here.

I’m going to have nightmares tonight.

Day twenty four of showing my tf2 screenshots.

Possessed spy.

I got a new kitten! 😁

This is day 117 of showcasing whatever new Lego set I get and today is the second 25th anniversary Lego Star Wars set that comes with a Star Wars minifigure who people may have forgotten but only true Star Wars fans him.

Read article for more details.

Day twenty five of showing my tf2 screenshots.

“Got a head shot for me?” Sniper.

Day twenty eight of showing my tf2 screenshots.

Soldier has gone into creative mode.

Day twenty three of showing my tf2 screenshots.

Discussed spy.