1 year ago

This is how many different nights are possible in FNaF.

1st equation is with all FNaF games from 1 - SB but 2nd is with only 1 - 6.

(Also I forgot to add all 6 standard SL nights)

To calculate all possible combinations of AI just set (Max AI) to the power of (all animatronics)

FNaF 3 & 4 doesn't have custom Night so there's no AI calculations with them however if it would have custom night all possible nights would be much bigger.



Next up

It's time to beat moss girl.


It's time for Night 6

(I died 3 times on Night 6 at 5 AM because Golden & Shadow guy decided that I'ma die)

Teaser #1 for ???? ?

News regarding the development. Indefinite Delay - True classic for a FNAF Fan Game right?

Chat can we do it first try?

After 4 months, my retrospective and (way) over-analysis of the Five Nights at Treasure Island series is OUT NOW!!


Git Gud moss girl.

Photo negative Mickey :)

Literally the only original assets that has been recovered from OG CNaC 2.

I still don't know how I've made these cool subtitles :P