Deadpool zero is bi gender because idk what one to make him so why not both
pretty much has the same story as deadpool except she was resurrected from the dead and used as an experiment for some reason it reverted the state of her body healthy again (lazy writing much) and now does deadpool things like being a public menace to society and being silly
trivia shit:
he likes omelettes and burritos
very aware of my existence and constantly mocks me wtf
knows of the multiverse and sneaks through portals that spider okien makes to fuck around
has the same dynamic with spider okien that deadpool and spider man have
sassy and over confident with low self esteem covered by jokes and gags (insert other personality traits that deadpool has idfk man) like to present himself as cutesy as times and is infatuated with scene core, high iq but acts stupid for kicks
very morally flexible especially when it benefits her
Don’t ask about the hood she doesn’t know either