At the year of 2002, there was a 17 year old boy called Anders that loved to play the game franchise Sonic The Hedgehog, not only because he liked it, but because his grandpa gave him before dying in 1995. One day, Anders was playing Sonic 2 when his mother told him upstairs to go to sleep because it was 22:00 already, so he went to bed, but when he notice his mother was already sleeping, Anders went downstares, turned on the console and kept playing. Since he was alredy finishing Sonic 2, he beat the last boss and began Sonic 3, but all of the suden there was a blackout. Anders got really upset but creeped out when the TV turned back on with a voice saying: "Keep playing, Anders. Here, let me help you". Anders started asking "who are you!? Where are you!?". "My, my, Anders don't you recognize your grandpa?". Anders was heving a breakdown, but the voice, that declared himself as Anders grandpa, tried to calm him down and told him to look at the TV. "I'm a little disfigured, so this is I can into". Anders had a heart attack and died in the spot with the horrible glitched sonic at the screen. Anders grandpa was desperate and started paniking."Anders, wake up! I didn't mean to!". Filling guilty and enraged, he started losing his sanity, he was never able to think anymore except for one thing: R3PL4CMANT
I hope you enjoyed.