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Here is a little preview of what is coming on until next month. I hope you like :D
Hey guys, i'm new in this community, im working on a game with Gdevelop and it will be a puzzle/horror isometric game with a sanity system, here is the link to you take a look:
The gif is the hiding system. (Sorry for my english)
I've been working hard this past week on the game scenarios, I really hope you like it, here's a picture of one of the scenarios.
So guys, I was working on this hiding system for my game, and this is the result, you must press "E" to hide, and if the monster sees you hiding, it runs towards you and kills you, don't let it see you :)
well, this is how the Antonio's drawing is going
So, this is the art i was working on before Antonio get in.
This is the main villain of the game, i know i did not posted nothing in the past weeks but im now finishing some cutscenes for the game and soon it will be available
So, this is a picture of a scene where you will can find the first puzzle, this one is complete finished, i'm working on another puzzle right now.
SO guys, i wanna thank you for the 100 followers and say that i'm really impressed with all the followers my game have and this so important to me, i see a lot of awesome games out there with less followers, and this really means something to me
I was working on a new banner for the game and some concept art, but I'm not very good at it, so I found this guy (Antônio Carlos) on Facebook and he's a very good artist and he's working on this drawing for me.