6 months ago

This is "the Crimson Maiden" Pauline Get into the transfer her main quote is "what's wrong expecting someone else J U M P M A N" and her lore is in the article below

Story Goes that Mario 3 happen almost the same up until the end where instead of finding Peach where he thought she would be Mario sees Pauline the girlfriend he abandoned for his Mushroom Kingdom Adventures she says "what's wrong expecting someone else J U M P M A N" Before the floor proceeds to fall out from the Neath Mario forcing him to go through an arcade inspired Cavalcade of levels in the background showing the terrible person he was to Pauline and everyone else back then before eventually at the end Mario is over the edge of a seemingly infinite fall standing on the end of a steel girder like those in Donkey Kong with Pauline standing in front of him and proceeds to speak "you hurt us over and over You abused the Kong's put Stanley out of business you even hurt me so bad that I have scars that I'll never be able to erase and it's all your fault and now you try to move on to some other place find new people to hurt and worst of all you bring along you're innocent little brother You're not just pathetic you're pure evil jumpman and I'm done letting you get away with it" Before she proceeds to run at Mario and push him off before simply brushing herself off and walking away Putting an end tomorrow's story and his life in the only way he deserved



Next up


my turn

this world is not real

This week's #FanArtFriday celebrates Mario!

Complete the quest and you'll get Coins!

the game has started

This week's #FanArtFriday celebrates Wario!

Complete the quest and you'll get Coins!

These are the victims for a possible Mario triple trouble concept I had called The Game and Watch gallery of course I only used characters from Game & Watch Gallery 4

the maker

This week's Fan Art Friday celebrates Donkey Kong. Accept the quest in your quest log to get started!

@gamejolt Good night everyone