2 years ago



-The Vietnam war begins.



-Richard Ahlstorm is born.


-Joey Worldtour is born in April 22.



-The Vietnam war ends and Richard leaves the military.


-Jared Fogle is born on August 23.



-Ugly Ass Clowns Funhouse is opened to the public by Joey Worldtour.


-Photo of a scrapped MR.AIR is taken on this date.


-Joey adds a new feature to where you can do something with it, 5 homicides also happened in the same week near the restaurant.



-Old robots were replaced by the new and improved Ugly Ass Clown robots, the old robots and prototype robots were either thrown away or kept for spare parts.


  • In Los Santos, San Andres John goes to ‘El Smokey Boogaloo’ to fix the Biggie Smoke animatronic. (Flashback 1, FNABS 3.)

  • The Untied States Department of Defense (USDOD) either begins or finishes construction on the underground facility.


  • People Against Robots (P.A.R.) is established by Richard Ahlstorm.


  • Construction on Chris the crocodile begins.


  • Melvin is sent to Liberty City to get 3 items for the MR.AIR robot. (FNABS 2.)



  • Tyler Ahlstorm/BFP is born on May 12th.

  • El Smokey Boogaloo opens to the public and Evan gets a job there to place a button so it can show a map to  a group (presumably P.A.R) and raid the place. Before pressing the button, Evan is stopped by Melvin and Melvin threatens him that he’ll shoot him. Evan is shot by Biggie Smoke and is placed into a hospital who he dies in due to him being poisoned by Melvin. (ONABS and Good Ending.)


Location: Livingston Perish, Louisiana.

Date: August 7th, 2001.

  • Joey finishes construction on Chris the Crocodile, but was rushed and did not fit with Ugly Ass Clowns so Joey sells it to a person named E.

Location: Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Date: September 11, 2001.

  • Joey calls Melvin to inform him that he will be staying in his warehouse that is in North Carolina for a while, he also wants Melvin to run the business while he is gone and Jerad Fogle will also be there. Melvin tells Joey that the airports are closed due to the 9/11 attacks in Liberty City which makes Joey wait.


Location: Charlotte, North Carolina.

Date: November 2, 2004.

  • George W. Bush is re-elected as president of the United States.

  • E and Prince Daniels gets into a beer pong deciding on who will be the best president. This results in Prince Daniels winning and getting E’s house. E punches Prince Daniels and gets kicked out of the bar after that. He drives away to somewhere.

Location: Platoon, North Carolina.

Date: November 4, 2004.

  • Prince Daniels leaves to go get some groceries and his wife, Kandi, discovers Chris the Crocodile in E’s closet. She turns him on and Chris kills her. Hours later Prince Daniels returns home and discovers his wife dead. He uses a gun to shoot himself and dies from it. E returns to his house, puts the bodies of both Prince Daniels and Kandi into his closet before he goes to sleep.

November 5, 2004.

  • E wakes up the next morning and Chris throws him to a wall, knocking him unconscious. Chris escapes and wanders outside but he lost and deactivated. Dolon finds Chris while he was hiking on a mountain.

Location: Platoon, North Carolina.

Date: November 16, 2004.

  • Dolon calls Joey, who is at the warehouse, to tell him that he found Chris but Joey doesn’t care about the robot as it is the microchip he cares about. Joey finds the microchip in the box of stuff that was sent to him by Dolon. Dolon says that he will get his revenge and do whatever it takes to get the microchip back, Joey hangs up on him.

November 17, 2004. 12:00 AM.

  • Joey places the microchip in a safe place but a fly lands next to the chip and makes it fall into a prototype Ugly Ass Clown, which Joey sees it activate and pushes it out of the office and the power goes out. 

  • Joey spends the next 5 nights defending himself from Chris the Crocodile, The Prototype Ugly Ass Clown and Dolon. At the end of the 5th night Joey couldn’t take it anymore so he grabs a gun and shoots Chris along with The Prototype Ugly Ass Clown. Dolon attacks Joey from behind, making him drop the gun and Joey punching him. Joey shoots a barrel that was next to Dolon and it blows up, burning the warehouse down. 

  • Joey then leaves and heads back to Louisiana. (FNABS: TCS.)


  • EOS Games is founded.



  • 3Pac is tasked with making ‘bread’ which is the money used to make a drug that can make Tyler Ahlstorm (Richard’s son, BFP) hallucinate and knock him out so they can get his blood. However Melvin hacks Joey’s robots to stop 3Pac. After 4 days of making money, the drug/medicine is made with the money or bought with the money. (FNABS 2.)

  • Tyler gets a job the new secret “location” that Cluckin’ Bell has opened to watch over the new and improved Big Smoke robot. After spending one night at the place, Tyler begins to hallucinate like seeing Joey becoming president and other stuff. This puts Tyler into a coma lasting for a year but before he went into a coma, Tyler lets Richard knows this which makes Richard mad so he sends his men out to find and kill Melvin and Joey. (ONABS 2.)

  • Big Smoke meets Joey at Cluckin’ Bell to be informed that the drug experiment  on Tyler failed and Richard’s men from the P.A.R are sent to kill them both. The P.A.R breaks into the place and begins a shootout with the two. Joey and Melvin escapes while the P.A.R burns the place to the ground. (FNABS 3, Flashback 2.)


  • Richard gets a job at Ugly Ass Clown funhouse to get his revenge on Joey for what they did to his son. While working at the place, while working there he blows up El Smokey Bogalooo and kills Jerald Fogle. On his 3rd night he passes out by the gas he needed to fill up. Richard is taken into a place and is tasked by Joey to keep his special robot in place while passing air through the Biggie Smoke. Mr.Bean calls to help Richard out and he survives the night. On the 5th night Joey tells Richard to fix his prototype robot, Mr.Air, but Mr.Bean helps Richard to sabotage it which will harm Joey’s business. He does that and Richard is put to sleep by Joey. 

  • Richard is tasked with keeping an eye on the robot and entertaining the children with a Ugly Ass Clown mask. While doing that, Mr.Air comes out of the Parts and Services room. Mr.Air kills a child that approached up to him and Richard chases Joey down after he sees this. Joey then tells Richard that he can’t stop him and wants his sons blood. When asked about why he wants his Tyler’s blood it’s because that Richard’s family has an extremely rare blood type and he wants it. Before this continues on, Melvin steps to stop Joey and shoots him in his right foot but is ultimately killed(?) by getting shot and stuffed into the Big Smoke robot suit. Richard shoots back at Joey after this and leaves.

  • Evan sends message to Joey to let know him that Joey is planning for something that is about to happen, he also states that he is in a suit and can’t get out. He says that he is not sure if he can trust Richard or not. He tells Richard to stay safe and he’ll be seeing him soon.

  • Ugly Ass Clown Funhouse closes down. (FNABS 1.)

  • EOS Games releases ‘Five Nights at Biggie Smokes: Not Reality’.


  • Richard and Tyler move to San Fierro, San Andres.

  • Joey also moves to San Andres after realizing Richard moved there with his son. He uses an facility that is under a Best Buy to create new robots and refurbished some old robots.

  • Richard receives a letter from Evan, who tells him where Joey is. Richard goes to the Best Buy and to the facility only to be knocked by Joey and has to spend 5 nights within the facility so Joey can make him suffer. At the end of the 5th night, Richard tries to stop Joey but is shown that he built an army of Ugly Ass Clowns under the facility alongside with the nuke that is fueled  by Richard’s blood. Mr.Bean intervenes to save and let Richard know Tyler is outskirts of San Fierro. Richard and Mr.Bean are killed by the Ugly Ass Clown guards and Joey denotes the nuke. (FNABS 2.)

  • Before the nuke was detonated, Tyler got a voice message by Mr.Bean and he tells him to get out of San Fierro. Tyler ignores this warning and goes to save his father while listening to music but the nuke denotes around that time. Tyler’s car crashes by the bright light and he passes out for 6 years. (Intro of FNABS 3.)



  • E is elected as president of the United States.


  • A member of P.A.R is sent to Joey’s house on Baton Rouge, Louisiana to retrieve a device that is a Ugly Ass Clown robot hidden within the attic. With the help Sean Evan they break in and is encountered by the old Ugly Ass Clown asking them if they forgot about him. Biggie Smoke(?) comes out of hiding and kills the member.

  • Chris the Crocodile is found by soldiers while they were cleaning out the thousands of ass clown corpses let over from the various drone strikes in San Andres. He is brought back to President E but he locks up Chris into a storage room, but he escapes and ends up in some persons garage. The person who found him puts Chris up for auction on eBay.



  • Oliver Mane purchases Chris and uses him as a mascot for ‘Chris’s Smoothies & Onion Rings’ with two other robots. President E becomes aware so he orders the local police and NOOSE to retrieve Chris and the other robots within the place.

  • A nightguard watches over the place for only 5 nights with the animatronic’s moving, along with The Hitman (presumably to be Big Smoke.) After spending 5 nights the place is raided by NOOSE and the local police who kills everyone within the building. Shortly after that, the robots are retrieved and they are taken to somewhere.


  • Tyler awakens and frees himself by grabbing a gun from some loose pockets of Johnson, whom he shoots and kills. Tyler meets with someone at a bar and does a favor of watching the place for one night. Tyler accidentally kills him due an argument about killing both Joey and Melvin. Tyler goes down to a club to deactivate U.A.C.R’s defenses. After that, Tyler goes down to the capital building and he gets captured by the police who brings him to Joey and Melvin. Tyler survives 10 hours for his 3rd night with Melvin’s friends but they are a twisted by Joey. Tyler then gets placed into a torture room after being alerted by a guard but survives. Joey is then informed of President E reclaiming the land that is taken by the U.A.C.R. Tyler goes after Joey and Biggie before the army arrives to the U.A.C.R, which he gets there in time after driving 896 miles. He kills a heavy Ugly Ass Clown and heads to where Joey is along with Melvin and a few other people. Tyler successfully kills Joey but does not kill Melvin due to his weapon not having enough ammo. He goes after Big Smoke, but he escapes in his car and drives away. Tyler then claims that he will be going after him and that this is far from over. He then walks into the other direction seemingly ending off the main story for Tyler as of now…

After FNABS 3.

  • FNABS: NR (The Pit Section) takes place after Joey’s “capture”.


  • Chris the crocodile dies.



Next up

what i have been basically doing while i was inactive

part 2 [Final part to the Billy arc.]

hi guys i am mr_noreason, and here is my face reveal -petah

Ugly Ass Clown (ZBrush, Painter)

It’s real.

New Development Team Announcement

am so excited

big smoke