1 month ago

this is the longest video i made, but here u go!

Fighting game that i forgor the name absolute PEAK RAW gameplay

(ngl that guy named "death" needs to use charcters that aint a badge or P2W :/ )

a bit of healing and A LOT of american sansπŸ¦…πŸ¦…πŸ¦…πŸ¦…

peak cinema



Next up

that one epic roblox game

that's IT!!!!

*proceds to make a 3rd alt*

its temmie tuesdayπŸ”₯πŸ”₯

DBZ superiority.

uh shit i might be cooked, im outta ideas for posts, its joever yall

The comparison dawg!

hoi hoomans!!!!!! Wo wantz sum tem flakes???

(5 in stock!!!! Prepar befor itz all sold out!!!)

temmie is getting inspiration from dust sans

"undertale most easy fan game" ahh screenshot

fOlLoW @Sonkplaystf2 bEcOz He CoOl N sHiTz