FNF: The Reddy Mod 2.5 NewGen (Normal Edition)

1 year ago

This is the NewGen Drip Reddy, i'll only share his Ballin' Pose for the moment, i won't show more stuff about his Animations Poses which are now Smooth & Clean.

Thanks to @Gix319 for my Help on Vs Reddy & for making Vs Reddy.

(Info: this is a real information that will be avaliable on the next update of Vs Reddy!)



Next up

We actually remade the Reddy Drip Sprite (from Hex's Week: The Hexperience Chapter)

Sprites Remade by @yoshigaming62320

Not avaliable on Public Releases yet...

Heres the Full Track of Exelent-NewGen that will be featured on the next update of FNF: The Reddy Mod 2.0 (Others will be a Surprise)

Thank you all for this!

Vs Reddy is now downloadable trough the Official Wiki!

He's comming back on April 14th 2024 on Wired TV!

same with Wired TV Blue =)


QnA of Vs Reddy, ask me questions about the mod or myself (specificly on FNF or on Vs Reddy).

Sorry everyone to say that, i was not having time to compose tracks for Vs Reddy 2.0 NewGen, i hope you all are patient, if yes, thank you for waiting, i'll do my best to compose for Vs Reddy!

if you haven't played, play the remastered tracks now!

Help Needed!, im looking for a good Artist that could remake at least every sprites of Reddy & Gixy for Vs Reddy 2.0 Final Build!, if you want to help me out, refer to add me on Discord:
