SegaCD CreepyFiles: Sonic Megamix: The Prototype

7 months ago

This is the next version, meaning version 2, and I will do better



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When I lost and got mad at Cream vs Execun Be Like:

S痰虄挞o痰虒挞 谈虈蛬m痰虒蛝a潭蛫蛿n痰處蛺y痰虥 souls to play谈蛫虘 潭虋坛w痰虌台i谭虒虧th, So li谈虋蜄t谈虅汰t谭炭le time谈虌台, Don't y檀探虡o潭蛯虁u谈虅坍 檀蛢蜏a谭虄蛿g痰虆ree?

Didn't you notice classic Amy (modgen style) does not exist in the engine, I mean, why didn't someone use that style on the Sonic engine?

Eggman Stage Is Finished, But! Not Yet! There One More Thing:

It Disbelief! :O

There's No Demo Brother

I Tried To Make the Knuckles Touch the Big Ring, But It Not Work, Even @Sal-The-Blue_Fox Tried, Now That Problem