
2 months ago

this meant to be released at 9:46 pm i think but my friend is complaining and giving me "advises" to stuff but read more (also sorry if i cant explain on the vent but just press the button, thats it)

so me and my friend was talking until he randomly sayed that the thing is wrong and that is wrong and just to let you know... I MADE DISCORD IN DECEMBER THE 30TH 2021, and made my server on december so i was new to the server management on it and i gave my friend a trusted moderater and he can basicly do anything but he has the audacity to say that, "what if the hacker hacks the server or something" i was going to banned them, and ik that its inposiable but i got alot of admins in my server and my server has... 12 PEOPLE ON IT and a hack will not care and also if its hacked, i can announce a other server and i can get it back, i will never give up ok so if you read it, thank you (:



Next up

ultra time - made by me (: (also this is the first art i do in this year yay)

the art style i was talking about btw

new year new me its my first time doing shades

yo you guys like the new look for the main title?

the nintendo switch 2 switch game support sounds oddly familiar...

also thx for 200 likes in this, also got this early :3

i did again... yay

you like the remake or the old one? bc i gotted a drawing tablet at christmas so i remaked the picture and i hope you like it, also should i remake the buggy game?

but also did the styles of my friends characters (:

im on a remaking time

there... done