heyo, its me, plague! or burgerpisslake on twitter (check that out btw i do art of there) but just here to say that this entire thing is completely dead
why you may ask? well to be honest im just lazy which is ironic because i made and said several stuff publicly that "ough i can make my game in a month AND im funny so im clearly better!" which is not true at all and i never realized how much dedication you have to go through when making a game like this without breaks or pure confidence that you'll finish it, especially with three games
but is it over from games from me? hell no absolutely not im writing a new one as i talk here right now
all i can say right now that it IS a dsaf styled story fangame in rpg maker, revolving around more modern fnaf stuff like secret of the mimic and security breach, and of coarse it will be 100% will not take itself serious like always, hopefully ill jot some things down enough that it'll have its own page
alright, see ya'll around.