The mod isnt connected / a Prequel to RSH anymore.
The second song would have seen Alex and his "Phone-chaser" (from my fanmade Remake) sing.
The third song would have seen Alex bring BF to the Chalk World and the sprites would have changed to NV's Artstyle.
There was supposed to be an D-side Remix but seeing the Alex's D-side design rn i dont like it.
There was supposed to be a song "alla Bite" that was inspired by Taste Gaming's Gameplay Video.
Now the mod doesn't have an actual lore , when AT was his own thing , it's story was crap , basically BF would have just entered NV while searching for Indie Games on Itch.
Also if anybody remembered Sack Guy supposed to have his own one-shot mod (then it was transfered to DARK SIDE OF YOUTUBE by KingTails but not for long) but now he's one of the WAVE 1 opponents.
Idk that's the end of the thread , i hope to release the demo during June.
Next up
Since i can't find any composers lately , i'll leave you a Gameplay Teaser with the chart of @3ggGuyomg 's Old Pursued Draft from A year ago. (Yeah the chart will be available just in the demo , if it releases). Everything else made by me.
"Does anyone need a check-up?" 🕒🔨 Been obsessed with this looney guy recently.
RSH_THUMBNAIL Inspired by an official Stolen Babies RayRay Poster.
Everyone Hype Up , The ALEX DEMO is almost complete all i need to find is someone to make me Alex's Song. (NOTE : The eye transition isnt in the game is just capcut , Powerdown was just used as a test and will be removed).
Since i recently bought : DEPONIA THE COMPLETE JOURNEY. I tought it was time to draw , Rufus himself because he's a great character. Deponia is made by Deadelic Entertainment
Funny Ink Man i have made for airbrush shading practice. Programs Used: Firealpaca Paintdotnet
Roster and Game's Plot had to go through changes for some problems with a specific character.... So i tought that was the best time to show you the Game's Main Menu! OGs will know why i choosed that "Tune" for the Menu Theme
Since i'm seeing ALOT and i repeat ALOT of this types of stuff.... I guess i'll put Miku RayRay on RSH Roaster.
Random RayRay sketches to not let this guy die while i work on things.