Like, this was them TwT, Tigger got much bigger than, he was first smaller than Puss in Boots, his sister, and now he's a bit taller than her!
Also that cat his their mom Hestia, she is doing well herself if anyone wanted to know! :D
Like, this was them TwT, Tigger got much bigger than, he was first smaller than Puss in Boots, his sister, and now he's a bit taller than her!
Also that cat his their mom Hestia, she is doing well herself if anyone wanted to know! :D
Just Marina singing
I posted this on Youtube but figured why not here too, just a silly little meme I did from gameplay I did on the switch while being loaded with caffeine
pride month
I got an official mystery bag keychain and got Aubrey!! :D Came with a sticker which I put on my laptop!
So, what's up?
Might work on my game thing again, keep getting on and off motivation about it but here is a sketch thing for a mech, I don't fully know what to do with it but it is for a character!
Goober alert
She just wanted a latte 🥺
Since it is Mari's bday, I decided to post this, it's kinda old but eh, and sorry for the little glitch, idk how to fix it!