fun facts:
1.) did you know that the left pose for tricky phase 0 is a dumb reference to BYOK's skin mod showcase? (watch it: ) and the thin eyebrow came from him as well
2.) the first ever mod i ever made was actually a tricky minus, which is cancelled. but the remastered sprite sheets will be in the game's files
3.) the first ever back ground concept for "day-of-a-clown" was from the scene where tricky is flying with a jet-pack, and the building was cut in half
4.) the remadness mod was just gonna be a reskin for improbable-outset, madness, hellclown and expurgation but was then turned into this. (kill me)
5.) JEBUS was actually suppose to be in the mod, but was scrapped.
6.) the song "last party" was suppose to be the 2nd song for tricky, when he was stabbed in the chest with the street sign, and impaled to a marshmallow, but since the creator's channel's gone i scrapped the idea
7.) hank's sprite sheets were suppose to be a re-skin for the actual tricky skin, but since i was lazy made it my own sprite.
8.) tricky was suppose to be buff but i changed it
9.) this tricky has no dick. no balls nor any privet parts
10.) every chart was bad/good/out charted on purpose

time for fun facts about the tricky remadness redux mod (lmao)
!read article!
discord: JEVIN J. GERMAIN.#2909 (read my about me first)
Next up
i hope ya'll liked the april fools update.
hope ya'll liked the april fools song, here's a sneak peak for CLOWNERY
and @Mashprotato
GO FOLLOW THEM! #fnf #fnfentity
havent posted alot havent i. . .? sorry. . . have some choccy milk
Pixel stuff
OS engine is cool
HELP WANTED!! what's needed: CHARTERS CHROMATIC MAKERS MUSICIAN (more pls ;-;) ANIMATORS MORE ARTIST MORE VOICE ACTORS SCRIPTERS/CODERS FREEOFCHARGE - DM me to be in the mod or some shit - please we never had progress in alot of days please
Friday Night Funkin'.
i really forgot how to post for a second