Heya. Mike here. This post isn’t about progress. It’s about something that’s been happening for a long time. Something I feel as if I need to clear up.
So, when I first started Together, I didn’t know what I was doing. This was nearly a year ago. But I decided to edit some sprite’s of Toby’s, to claim they were mine. I should have called them “My edits”, not “my sprites”. I’ve since realized. But, now, I’m looking in the comments. We’ve gone from a positive community that Undertale should have, to a flaming, war-like comment battlefield. This is never what I wanted.
So. With that being said, I believe I should state a few things.
If you don’t like Together, that’s okay. I understand that this idea isn’t popular with everyone. But that doesn’t mean you have to constantly put your 2 cents in. We look like children, when we’re bickering back and forth.
We need to take a step back, and realize: Not everything in life revolves around us. We have our own opinions. But sometimes, it’s best to keep quiet.
I understand that a lot of the things we DO have to show, lacks originality. I understand that. And I want to work on changing that. However, I can’t do that, when people are constantly harrassing me about, or pointing it out. If you want it changed, then fine. But don’t only come here to comment about what YOU want. It’s not your game, at the end of the day.
For the love of christ! Don’t hammer someone over their opinions! Toby Fox made Undertale because he was inspired to make something similar to the games he loved. And, even though I’m sure plenty of people were skeptical when it was in development, it still came out as an amazing game, that defied expectations. Who’s to say our AU’s can’t do the same? So why are we hating on each other. We’re members of the Undertale Community. We should be with each other. Not against. Providing useful, constructive criticism. Instead of:
“Hey this, this, and this is terrible. Cancel your game. I don’t care if you’ve sunk a year of your life into it.”
“Hey, this is good! You should keep this part. However, in my opinion, maybe you could try this:”Leave the past in the past. We’re not who we once were. As time goes on, we realize our mistakes. And we move past. But some of you are bringing up year old problems, that aren’t even relevant anymore. Really? Come on guys, be better than that.
We’re all in this together. So please. Let’s try to encourage each other. We all have to stay determined.