Ello! I'm Keegan, you can call me my sona name (Keegan,) or James (my real name,) idm either way I'll know you're referencing to me.
General couple of profile rules (they almost always apply)
Although I do NOT post art and do not plan to, my profile is set at 16+, and soon will be changing to 17+Β or 18+, haven't decided yet.
Reason for this is I time to time make offensive jokes, i swear way too fucking much, and what I belive and disappove of may offend some people, (I AM NOT SORRY SO DO NOT ASK)
DNI = Zoophile, Pedophile, Homophobe, Racist, Sexist, Transphobe, polish & german hater?; if you hate sharks, UNDER THE AGE OF 15 (dude cmon bru)
I have a huge attachment issue so I'm sorry if at times it feels like I'm being a bit needy towards you, nothing personal or anything, I just can't control it.
I genuinly dont know what the fuck is going on half the time, either im high or just out of tune with what's happening; i also tend to forget everything people say to me so I'm sorry if I forgot something you told me once.
I'm one of the few people who I ACCEPT FULL VENT; just shout at me/msg on my most recent post THEN send me a friend request; most people who are people who you can vent to just listen, nothing against them but you gotta be able to understand aswell. I both listen and understand; I probably have gone through similar things.
Mild (controllable) autism, ADHD, Heavy OCD, Schizo, BPD (Borderline-Personality-Disorder,) hella PTSD, supposed half-blindness in my left eye
Family history? Ig?
My father's parents were taken captive and thrown in prison and treated as slaves when nazi germany invaded Poland during the holocaust; they escaped about 3-7 years afterwards, don't know exactly when.
Mother's dad served in the nazi party during the invasion on Poland during the holocaust.
Do my parents get along fine? ABSOLUTELY
(side note, weird thing is both me and my parents dont like to talk about our history. so generally, if you can, don't bring it up.)
my history?
growing up has been a little weird, lived in poland until 4, moved to canada (british columbia specifically) at 5, started school. half way through kindergarten I got pulled out because I would injure kids. Year later I'm put back in for a full year so I'm one year older than my grad class, (in grade 10 now when supposed to be in grade 11)
at the age of 12 i faced my first charge of simple assault, served 6 months in juvenile detention and let out half way through the age of 13, at the age of 14 i joined a street gang the next city over and have been in since then, (going on 17 now)
at the age of 15 i was found not guilty for second/(proved to be third) degree murder
i make drill music (drill is a sub-genre of hiphop used by gangs (drill groups) to diss other gang's members and gang member's family members who have died) I also make trap/hip-hop and standard rap music. I make my own beats for my songs, or as a collective with my group.
other drillies im kinda related to:
Mo Kartii,
Sha Gz
so uhhh cool pin ig? might add onto it later