3 years ago


  1. is it surprising?

YES. well, I mean, I sorta made him just look like a depressed dude who's only motive to continue living is getting revenge on his father's murderer, and in the beginning, kicking lightning's ass for reclaiming a newly founded town, which is basically one giant memorial to amethyst, of which was selfishly renamed

2. is it hinted at?

yes. as soon as he's found a "weird pair of obnoxiously purple shades" (which have a c on them by the way) he begins to... change slightly. his violent outbursts are more frequent, his methods of fighting have gone from just teaching a lesson to beating them half to death, and he begins acquiring more lethal and illegal weapons (he even grabs a damn tank at one point). OH, AND HE STARTS GETTING WEIRD DREAMS ABOUT [the remainder of this section of the essay has been redacted due to personal information that must not be revealed to the public, keep reading, people, move along

3. Is it necessary for the plot? (Aka: if the story can go as planned without this character, it's a no)

Y ES. THIS MAN IS THE MAIN CHARACTER (i mean sorta, technically in base GA it's just [ERROR 420: NAME OF AMETHYST CITY RESIDENT REDACTED. REASON: don't.... even try... you grey haired FUCK.] but that's beside the point) if he was removed from the story, the story wouldn't EXIST. the story is literally "[I said my name was redacted] is being a little salty bitch about Starlow & dark star still surviving, so he's gonna ruin everything for them"



Next up


right now it's a mix of 3 & 2 lol

Well look who it is!

Sonic th e HedgEHg

One EXtrEmely fast hedge hog

Happy Halloween!

now give meh your candy.

me: sees that firemf is adding original songs to his mario mix

also me:

teh moosik but colour

Fun Fact! sometime in february, smiler gave me the go to make a funny fnas mix of vs. ourple guy!

And now, with Smiler having been rightfully burnt at the stake, I'm extending it from JUST ourple guy!

(screenshot for proof btw lmao)

look me in the eyes and repeat that dumbass shit you just posted

Omnipresent but cool people sings it

not a cover and never will be, i also made this cause i was bored

howdy, lord amethyst here (been a while since I used that name)

yeah, im back now lmao

for real this time i swear

important shit in the description n whatnot lmao

(also new sona design now)