Those Nights at Ring's (2021)
3 years ago

TNAR is getting a v1.4

wow, shocked?
read the article for more info

So yea, version 1,4 for TNAR is coming out soon

A scrapped feature of TNAR was its multiplayer mode, which would have players controlling the animatronics against the technician. I have been experimenting with GameMaker Server and have a functioning multiplayer mode with Ring and the Technician playable. I will be working on the rest of the multiplayer over the next few days and can finally release the multiplayer mode.

You will need to beat Night 6 before you can access the multiplayer mode however.

Along with that, TNAR 1.4 will receive the following additions

  • Updated Title Music

  • Various Graphical Fixes

  • Fixing Ring going into the kitchen.

  • Various Possible Layering bugs (I haven't found any yet, but I might working on Multiplayer)

  • Minor Design Changes, most specifically with CESA (again...)

  • Fixing the main menu options sliding to the right instead of to the left like in early versions of the game.

thats all for this update, stay tuned for the update.

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Next up

Sorry for the long wait, but the Android ports of TNAR Nightmares and TNAR remastered are now available to download here and in the Android Download Center on my website.…

Posted one of the updated songs that will appear in the recoded Chapter 1 on SoundCloud. Take this and the sick art I made for it

Sorry for the long wait, but the Android ports of TNAR remastered and TNAR Nightmares are now available to download here and in the Android Download Center on my website.…

Wow, TNAR in widescreen!

Theres a snapshot of V1.2 available in the BeanPit, join the BeanPit and get it :D

Development is going good. Chapter 1 now has a lot of fruit! Someone's got to eat it I suppose.

yes i am sidetracking, the new area is mostly complete, but I'm going back and tweaking earlier points in the chapter.

So yall really like when I release stuff on Android, so heres a little something for yall! See ya soon ;)