7 years ago

To Do List for Summer 2018

I’m on a summer mission until August 4th! Gonna be dropping fries, sharing the gospel, and getting my tan on! But, what does that mean for Senioritis? Development will be slowed drastically to compensate for my busy schedule. But, I will try to accomplish the following things:

  • Finish Level 4 and Debbie Phillip’s boss fight

  • Add tons of decorations and worldbuilding pieces to Levels 2, 3, and 4

  • Create the engine for cutscenes

  • Tutorial level inside Clear View High School

  • Hub world to take a break from the game and go shop

  • Shopping system to spend your money on items

  • Backpack system for using items in-game

  • Other small fixes

No guarantee all of it’ll be done, though.

Oh, and by the way. The updated demo is out now! Check out what’s changed!



Next up

Level 4 Footage!

Senioritis is ALMOST THERE!

Level 6 Progress...

Roll stuns enemies instead of damaging them.


Senioritis 1.0.0 Released!

Level Select + New Town Design

Level 4 Beginning Development

Anything past Level 6 is spoiler territory and will not be shown publically. Here's a GIF showcasing a following partner AI instead.

Visual Enhancements to Level 2