15 days ago

To my friends who have 280 Joltbux or more, can you give me this? That would be great if you do



Next up

Congratulations @superlitmickeymouse1999 for reaching 100 followers

Hooray!! I did it!!

I reached 100 watchers on DeviantArt

I’m almost there, but probably I’ll complete this tomorrow

No way! A monster truck at Buc-ee’s

Why just f##king why? Ever he gave me the Crimson Rose Frame last month

No way! I’m friend with the owner of Game Jolt

I got a trophy for completing the “Ponder the Joltiday Orb” quest

I got both trophies in a day!!

I reached 50 watchers on DeviantArt! Another 50 more watchers until I have 100 watchers