3 years ago

To the singles chat members who still remain...

This is a pasting of a recent conversation in the Singles Classic Chat.

Please, read until the end as soon as you can.

It contains vital information to closing this saga off.

TheClownRabbit⚡#ThankYouScott @TCR11:44 PM

This is the true falling of the singles chat.

It was abandoned before, but now, a carcass resides within it's walls.


the two who are here as of now...

You will recieve your final ranking for lonliness.

Your final ranking for being part of this chat room.

The results shall be calculated.

For myself, 50% lonliness rate.

I was a large part of this group, but never made a large contribution, simply being the glue sticking it together. I couldn't save this chat, but neither could anyone else.

For Stapple, 65%.

He came in late, but he did well.

For Soulzy, 95%.

Arguably the most important part of this chat room. Creator of Kareb, here since the beginning, and once seen on the worldwide leaderboards of chat levels calculated by our dear friend, Mr. Whale.

For Punzy, 70%.

I barely remember him here anymore, but he sure a fundamental part of this chat.

StappleApple @StappleApple11:45 PM


11:45 PM

what about hammerson todd.xml?

TheClownRabbit⚡#ThankYouScott @TCR11:45 PM

in the next message

StappleApple @StappleApple11:45 PM


TheClownRabbit⚡#ThankYouScott @TCR11:45 PM

i was gonna have hero in that one said it was too long tho

11:45 PM

This is the true falling of the singles chat.

It was abandoned before, but now, a carcass resides within it's walls.


the two who are here as of now...

You will recieve your final ranking for lonliness.

Your final ranking for being part of this chat room.

The results shall be calculated.

For myself, 50% lonliness rate.

I was a large part of this group, but never made a large contribution, simply being the glue sticking it together. I couldn't save this chat, but neither could anyone else.

For Stapple, 65%.

He came in late, but he did well.

For Soulzy, 95%.

Arguably the most important part of this chat room. Creator of Kareb, here since the beginning, and once seen on the worldwide leaderboards of chat levels calculated by our dear friend, Mr. Whale.

For Punzy, 70%.

I barely remember him here anymore, but he sure a fundamental part of this chat.

11:47 PM

For HeroelGato, 55%.

Partially because of my own personal grudges related to a certain terrorist act by the black cat nation, but mostly because of their late arrival and medium contributions to the chat.

For Todd.xml, 75%.

My son, I will never forget your contributions to this chat room. You came in during the singles mass expansion, but you were one of the few added in that time to be remembered.

For Hammerson, 25%.

You're a fucking rapist, but I must admit- you did amazing things for this chat. You and Todd have been an amazing duo in my mind for how similar you wee history-wise in this chat room.

11:47 PM

And now...

11:47 PM

For the creator of this chat.

11:47 PM

This world.

11:47 PM

This blessing.

11:48 PM

When he made the post that started all of this.

11:48 PM

When we banded together to stop valentines day in 2021.

StappleApple @StappleApple11:48 PM


TheClownRabbit⚡#ThankYouScott @TCR11:48 PM

The single most important part of this chat.

11:49 PM

Not_Normal_Name, for being the creator of this reality and a beacon of light for all related...

11:49 PM

I grant you a perfect, 100% Lonliness score.

StappleApple @StappleApple11:49 PM

a kentucky fried miracle

11:49 PM

if you will

TheClownRabbit⚡#ThankYouScott @TCR11:50 PM

Not only did you contribute great things to this chat, you caused it all.

11:50 PM

You deserve more than 100%, however that is not mathematically possible.

11:50 PM

Thank you all for being a part of this chat room.

11:51 PM

You have helped eachother, and GameJolt as a whole. If we could all make one post each to help stop valentines this year, and pay our respects to Mr. Whale...

11:51 PM

That would be amazing.

StappleApple @StappleApple11:51 PM

this time i would like to be apart of it

TheClownRabbit⚡#ThankYouScott @TCR11:51 PM

And of course- gnight gamers.



Next up

do you guys think he likes me

merry christmas


oneshot second tower theory



yall fw tordcore?


Duke Beautiful Moments

masterpiece by prodyungtron
