3 years ago

Todas la verciones de lying mcqueen


1 classic lying mcqueen:

lying mcqueen fue creado por el doctor eggman para vencer a sonic de una vez por todas

2 modern lying mcqueen:

lying mcqueen es un virus creado por sonic para acabar con eggman de una vez pero el virus se salio de control

3 super lying mcqueen:

El va a salvar a sonic y a tails de chaos y remediar todos sus errores

4 hiper lying mcqueen:

sepues de ser derotado por nighmare woody se tranforma en hiper lying mcqueen

5 nighmare lying mcqueen:

el fue creado por 27 golden sonic para matar si va aser su aparecion en Five Nights at Sonic's 2: The Shadow's Echo creado por @4kr

6 cuchau mcqueen:

el seria el fiel amigo de mcqueen Creado por el pana Miguel: @LeonicJT_DrawsAndPixels

Y eso es todo Adio.


1 classic lying mcqueen:

lying mcqueen was created by doctor eggman to beat sonic once and for all

2 modern lying mcqueen:

lying mcqueen is a virus created by sonic to kill eggman once and for all but the virus got out of control

3 super lying mcqueen:

He is going to save sonic and tails from chaos and fix all their mistakes

4 hyper lying mcqueen:

after being defeated by nighmare woody he transforms into hyper lying mcqueen

5 nightmares lying mcqueen:

he was created by 27 golden sonic to kill if he will appear in Five Nights at Sonic's 2: The Shadow's Echo created by


6 scoop mcqueen:

he would be mcqueen's faithful friend Created by corduroy Miguel: @LeonicJT_DrawsAndPixels

And that's all bye



Next up

I was bored and decided to do this 3 exe's in paint 3D

Nuevo video de tnav y es especial :3

FNaS MM INFINITE:The phantom gang!

Here are posters of the main stars + 2 new characters for the game, having a total of 10 animatronics (Damn, they are sons of bitches haha)

more of Salvage Sonic and someone else...


Five night at sonic 3 reburned fan art for @therealcreepy

Um... about doing everything thanks to the shitty PC