1 year ago

Today I'm not here to post memes (that aren't funny), today I'm here to talk about a serious problem from one of the great games made by Valve, this one called Team Fortress 2, or TF2 for short


If you don't know what TF2 is, here's a quick explanation: TF2 is an old game consisting in two teams (Red and Blu) with 9 different mercenaries (Scout, Soldier, Pyro, Demoman, Heavy, Engineer, Sniper, Medic and Spy) fighting each other to take a bomb to a certain place (Payload) , capture points (Attack/Defend and King of the Hill), capture the intelligence (Capture the Flag), and others, but every good game as its problems.

The problems:

TF2's recent update (January 9th 2024) was an update that fixed some bugs, textures and such, there was something wrong with that update, it made the games lose connection with the loadouts and the items, making everyone play with the initial loadout, and couldn't use cosmetics, which for me, it wasn't a big of a deal, cuz I'm a noob Pyro main that only changes the secondary and the melee (The stock flamethrower is awesome tho), but other players might find it hard to play with, not being used to the stock loadout.

But the biggest problem is the wave of bots invading the games, the bots crisis is now bigger. Before 2024, the bots we're that big of a deal, you could just ban them without a problem, but now, they're countless bots in the games, vote kicking every real player off the game and making the game less fun to play, sometimes even making real players think some are bots because some reasons that I don't even know what they are (it happened to me), this makes this great and fun game into a lame and annoying one.

I don't know if these problems were fixed while I was doing this, but still, we should talk about this to make Valve fix their game.

My opinion about the game:

For me, it's still a great game, whenever I find a match without bots and only real players, I enjoy every second of it, even if I'm always dying to a tryhard or a random gibus soldier with a crit rocket, but we gotta make Valve fix this, or else this game will lose its players and its popularity.

A little message after this:

I know I lost my time doing this cuz probably very few people will see this, but this is a very serious thing, so I had to talk about it.


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Next up

Guys, I became obsessed with Car out of nowhere during the night help 😭

So I made some some loadouts for every class in TF2, you can rate them if you want (they're in order btw)(also don't ask me what cosmetics I used, I already forgot ;-;)(except for Arquimedes tho)

So I'm gonna start posting more often now, and gonna start by posting videos that I legally stole

Let's go practice medicine...

It's been a while! Here is Medic's new look in Team Fortress Future. A bit more of a drastic change compared to Pyro and Scout. Hope you like it!

we don't talk about that...

The Medic redesign did really well! Thank you for all the compliments and feedback.

I think it's a good time to share some BTS for Pyro and Medic:

I'm posting this whole it's 2 am in my country for some reason, though this was funny (it's my cat btw)(she was really close to the camera, that's why it has somewhat low quality)

Here's Jerry, he's 🔥 (literally)

Post Jerry for him to get more friends


#TF2WeaponConcepts for a reskin for the Big Earner (Spy's unlockable melee weapon) (I think this is going to be the last one I made for the weapon concept thing btw)