5 years ago

Today I realized, I AM A CHILD AND HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO CODE. So, sadly, the prototype, demo, and full game have been delayed, but don't despair! There will still be updates like concept arts and sneak peeks.



Next up

concept art for the first room

ok he said it had to be more hi res here ya go

MORE concept art, but on the tablet this time. Couldn’t color the mountain background because artset doesnt have a fill tool an dit takes too long :/ but we got a huion tablet and its almost here :3

Finished the Yellow soul sprite, need a name for him too.

Know I won’t win, but this contest is cool, people are really talented, much more than me, and I love art! It’s Endogeny. Please don’t make fun of me, i’m just a kid, and i’m trying to practice art. #undertale_contest

drew more sans aus

Concept art for a game my friend is making

More concept art, but this time for the second room. I'm not that bad at drawing, I'm just not good with a mouse. I'll do the rest of the concept art on the ipad so its better quality (touch and stylus is what i'm handy with)

This package.🙄

chara spritesheet for coollgames