Hello everybody!

A long time ago I released my last game! And since then I had a long time of ups and downs while deving! But now I made it to the finish line again and today is release day! Haha! I’m happy to present dotty!
In dotty you have to click on growing dots before they touch each other! The bigger they are, the more points you get! :0)
I made this game with Game Maker: Studio and the starting idea was to create something that is easy and fun to play on a smartphone.
Inspired by processing gifs Fabio (https://twitter.com/go_go_goto) showed to me, the theme of growing circles was planted into my head! :0)
The first problem I had was to get nice colors for my circles! The colors my random color generator created were kinda decent! haha! But after porting randomColor.js from David Merfield (https://randomcolor.llllll.li/) and changing it a little bit to my needs it looked fabulous on my smartphone screen! Especially with the room lights turned off in the dark. \:0D/
The next steps in development where rather easy. :0) Creating a particle system, adding local highscores, adding and setting up the great plugin called share by benton software (https://marketplace.yoyogames.com/assets/1258/share), rotating one dot around a moving and shrinking other and keeping the correct distance… rather simple stuff! haha! (just kidding ;0) )
The last big headache was getting all versions done. :0)
Android and windows weren’t the problem. Haha! But because of the web version I almost got crazy… Haha!
First I’ve had sound problems and wasn’t able to find the problem. But after switching the web version to Game Makers legacy sound api and setting a switch in every sound call it worked finally… until firefox changed almost all of its behavior! haha! But after fixing a bug that prevented firefox from recognizing mouse clicks and switching to the next screen it finally works now! Haha!
But the hardest task was still in front of me.. Getting the ‘advertisement’ done… I’m not that good in writing and describing stuff the marketeer way! haha! And making pictures that look good isn’t simple for me too. haha! I hope I nevertheless have done it as good as I could! haha!
And now I sit back and wait for your input! haha!
Play dotty have fun and if you want to write me! I’m always happy about reviews! Even if they say you don’t like my game! :0)
Happy playing and if you are also a dev, happy deving!