Next up WOW! This is Super Mario Maker 3 for PC!?
I'm working on the story mode in the SMM3PCE, and here is little sneak peak
I want to add pipes to the game.
Super Mario MAker 3 PC Edition update 2.4 is out! I add "Dr. Pepper Mario Potion" Which makes Mario bigger. In the story now you can build Mario house and buy worker.
Super Mario Maker 3 PC Edition new update will out soon!
i'm bad designer
Совы это прекрасно. Только Золотая Сова От Вани Васькнаскина не похожа на сову. Super Mario Maker 3 PC Edition New big update 2.2! It have a lot improvments and bug fixes, new textures, new Nikocado Avocado skin, and NOW YOU CAN PLAY AS LUIGI! WAAAHOOOOOOOO
New Super Mario Maker 3 PC Edition update 2.3 is out! IT include pre-alpha version of story mode and LUCKY BLOCKS!