Basically in Crash of Cars there's this little mechanic called High Scores where if you get a high enough score with a vehicle it gets a little crown icon
The number of crowns required is as follows:
Common: 70 Crowns
Rare: 80 Crowns
Epic: 90 Crowns
Legendary (or hidden vehicle): 100 crowns
Since the average run for the average player would be about 20-40 crowns, these things requires skill to pull off
To unlock the Pirate Ship 2.0, you require 200 high scores. and there are only 221 cars total.
This means that I had to get upwards of 70 crowns both on powerful, good cars like the Shadow or the Phoenix, but also on garbage cars like the Piano or the Shopping Trolley. This took me months of grinding (and raging at the goddamn Galaxy it is so BAD) but I finally did it. Proof that I am in fact the GOAT of Crash of Cars...
Also the Pirate Ship 2.0 is actually a decent upgrade from the original. Handling's more responsive and turns tighter. High A rank.