Five Nights At Team Aqua/Team Magma HQ Reimagined

2 years ago

Today is a sad day...

Today my cat passed away while i was at college....

I'm ceasing work on any games for the time being so any patches for custom night will have to wait. I need time to myself after what's happened as. I hope you can all understand...

P.S. I'm aware of a few bugs and im aiming to fix those.



Next up

I Recreated Five nights at Team Rocket HQ's Newspaper along with the Unused Cliffhanger teaser left over in the original game's files in my spare time.

The animation's been scrapped i originaly intended this for Halloween but i got something that basicaly teases what it was meant to. Merry christmas ya filithy animals and have fun when it releases!

Important Reminder for HLS players!

Heres another update in so long.

I had a teaser planned for Today but I'm behind schedule on it so heres an image instead. Look forward to it though when it's complete!

Basicaly my life IRL and why i take forever to post updates and builds, shown in the from of a 3d animation.

All good things are coming to an end....

Where the heck have i been and what are my plans for the future?

Five Nights At Team Rocket HQ's 2014 GJ Teaser image Recreated in 3D (may not be 100% acurate)