3 months ago

Today's my Spawn Day! I've been here for 2 years! #spawnday



Next up

I pretty much like everything in the game. Exploring the Outlands, Helping villagers, and Defeating enemies.


I tried playing the demo, but when I was trying to defeat an enemy, the game crashed on me. and there was no audio. I like the art style and the flow of the gameplay. I would like to give this game another try if the demo gets patched.


Who's Your Favorite Video Game Hero? #GJAsks

I have more than one favorite video game hero. If I had to choice one, it would be Link from The Legend of Zelda.

I'm sharing an oldie but a goodie :)


What's The First Game You Ever Beat? #GJAsks

I'm not sure. It's been along time. I think my first game I ever beaten was Super Mario Bros. 3. on NES.

This really is cute. Not at all like the last cake I made for the halloween fireside.

Who's Your Favorite Video Game Sidekick? #GJAsks

I've already mentioned 3 sidekicks from a previous post, so I'll mention another one.

Sparx the Dragonfly from the Spyro games.

I really don't have a favorite, but I like Bob Construction Bandit who helps you fixing the water wheels.


My son got a 3d printer for Christmas and made me a planter :)