11 months ago

Today school absolutely sucked.

For starters, someone said the f-word in the hallway [not fuck, the derogatory one], and I got so mad that I broke my water bottle out of anger because I couldn't confront them [I didn't see them, I only heard the word].

I also lost my headphones, and I spent 20 minutes after school running around in a panic looking for them. They're still lost as of now

And now I come home an hour late to slowJolt. Ayaya, I hope tomorrow is better.

I have a semi-formal dance tomorrow, and there's still a small chance that I could be sick... I also hope that nothing bad happens at the dance itself, although I get a strong suspicion something 100% will.

Dear god, I hate this school. It's just filled with homophobes, toxic people and stupid fucking chauvinistic jocks. And I'm one of the smartest [at least academically speaking] students there, and I DESPERATELY want to leave. However, I'm stuck here for at least another year. I hope that the high school is a better place than junior high...

I'm tired now. But I won't sleep. I can't sleep. Too many things to do. I want this week to be over already...



Next up

Have a lovely watercolor painting I made today.

Here is most of the stuff I’ve done over the past 9 days.

Got a cool 80s sweater from the antique shop yesterday!

Wearing it now, it looks even better then I thought lol


Painted pride flags w/ my watercolors!

New profile pic in my new style!

"I think I remember now... but how did you find me?"

"A connection between our souls led me to you." [pt 2]

Pen doodleeeee

"What the hell- Wha- WHAT IS THIS?!"

"S-something has gone horribly wrong..." [pt 1]

A dress I drew from an old magazine in History!