1 year ago

Today Sonic Heroes turns 20 years since its launch!



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Today a Sonic Fan Film called PROJECT SHADOW has just been released, which would be a prequel to Sonic 3 The Movie, in my opinion I loved it enough for a fan film.


We already have a first look at the first official announcement of Sonic 3: The Movie, showing us Shadow, what do you think?

Shadow's Dark Beginnings episodes were really good

A drawing of Shadow the Hedgehog from the IDW comics #FanArtFriday

This week's #FanArtFriday celebrates Sonic!

Complete the quest and you'll get Coins!

I already got the trophy and the background, it was a fun mission so without anything else to say, Happy 33rd anniversary Sonic!

A werehog drawing I made.

This is one of my favorite fan games #FavoriteFanGame