1 month ago

Tomorrow... were going back in time to the first thanks giving to get turkey OFF the menu...

THATS RIGHT! where going back in time to the first thanks giving to get turckey OFF THE MENU!

1 comment


Next up

you guys really like that idea šŸ’€





(maybe after Samhainophobia)

imagen if i made a horror game that i only sent to certain people that were streaming

the man is starving

My TJOC model pack is now officially released! (Read below for tips BEFORE you download them)

chat i have a theory...

10 Years at Treasure Island

if i had to describe someone as 2017x it would be this guy

A Very special birthday shoutout to the one and only @Malrat_

8 more till 50 follower chat(lets try to reach 80 to or 70 followers by the end of the year chat)