The queen of the monesters world(the world beyond the great wall)
Doesn't want to hurt you but it is the only way to bring hope back to the monesters
Have killed 2 out if 6 fallen humans(yes jarid is the first fallen hybrid)
Is the one of the only boss monesters left in the monesters world(the are 2)
Lost her 2 and banished her husband which made her slowly lose her mind
Quotes:"Huh,I-,I never thought you would come so soon"
Got banished to the old castle by toriel
Doesn't want to hurt you
Tries his best to protect you and everyone
Is a loving true father
Quotes:"!,oh my God,are you hurt my son,don't worry,I will help you recover,come with me to my castle,there we can drink some tea together, shall we,my son"
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