25 days ago

Tough, i am gonna need to do some tests.
Just in case something happens.



Next up

Hi, guys @WiskitePC added me as an easter egg in his game!

Well, thanks @Elasmo for finding me! And a really big thanks to @WiskitePC for adding me 😊

I'm at the left side 🙀

I like this 😊

Stay Tuned 😉

Bro, he is kinda right. But please, he is not useless and just wants to re-unite with his friends. I understand if he ever hurt you. But revenge will only get to cops at your door. INCLUSIVELY DOXXING!

Bro has a job or smth

Hi, guys I was Sonic. Exe : The All Seeing Eye but there comes a boss fight but boss isn't attacking? Hmmm... Let me try to end this boss fight 💪

Merry Christmas!

Joyeux Noel et Bonne Anee!

Merry Christmas and Happy New year 🎊

Stay Tuned 😉

Hi, guys it's the 2nd part of Sonic. Exe The All Seeing Eye on Android!

Wanna get it on Android? I may help you! For this check out whether the first preview of this Fangame is available to you as I'm a collaborator, I have access to the game, get article

Here's a screenshot of DUSTTRUST : VANDALIZE made by @azzy2935 .

Idea: Remember when in the Sonic 1 Good ending scene, you could see Eggman bouncing on 'End'? I have got an idea for something similar.

Ok, i am not a bad guy. YOU ARE! And i dont disrespect Casper and SonicGreen. But @flower628_fanny deserves because he stole art. AND WE JUST WANTED TO HAVE PEACE!

Nothing abnormal, just standing on top of the Larry.

Report @Mihail04 for calling DillyWolf (The Creator of Dusttrust) a Nazist. HE HAD A FUCKING CAR ACCIDENT! HE COULD BE IN THE HOSPITAL RN! + He broke the guidelines by blocking me without reason and he is harrasing people for this too!