Act 3(The Great Strategy)
Part 1
Section 41(Repentance)
Subsection 0(Holy Greeting)
573.833. GOD welcomes BF to heaven and promises he'll be revived if he beats him
Subsection 1(Divine Revelation)
574. Holy trio(holy dave, bambi and tristan)
575. Holy Bandu + Holy Expunged phase 1
576. Holy Bamburg
577. Holy Bombu
578. Holy Crusti
578.5. The BP Trio but holy
579. Heavenmaker + Holy Expunged phase 2
580. Libra + Everyone in subsection 1(minus holy phase 1)
Subsection 2(Divine Intervention)
581. Holomer + Holy Pentabi
582. Zackarias
583. Bartholomew
584. Mariah
584.5. Zackarias + Bartholomew + Mariah
585. Thanbi phase 1 + Gradelu
585.5. Thanbi turns into his phase 2
586. Heavenly Boddered
586.5. Ascended Boddered
587. Holy Expunged true form
588. Afterworld Expunged
589. Gavinos
590. GOD + everyone in section 41(minus holy phase 1 + 2, thanbi phase 1 and heavenly boddered)
590.5. GOD revives BF and sends him to excelsor's part of the translocational realm
Section 42(Astrological)
Subsection 1(Extroterrestrial)
591. Quasar phase 1
592. Iranis phase 1
593. Unimusted
594. Omnibane
595. Conbi Star + Base form Extrogods
Subsection 2(Despondence)
596. Spaci(Singularity)
596. Spave + Truls
597. Yamdromeda
598. Spacepunged
598.5. Astrophobia Expunged
599. Sirius + Procyon
600. Archellax + everyone in subsection 2(minus spacepunged bc he cringe)
Subsection 3(Celestial)
Sub-subsection 1(Solarium)
601. Mercurius
602. Hephaestus
603. Terra + Luna
604. Ares
605. Zeus
606. Saturnus
607. Uranus
608. Neptunus
609. Pluto(the dwarf planet) + Demeter
610. Apollo + everyone in sub-subsection 1
Sub-subsection 2(Cosmic Abberation)
611. Sagittarius A
612. Ton-618
613. V723 Monocerotis(The Unicorn)
614. Phoenix A
615. Quasar J059-4351 + Everyone in subsection 3
Subsection 4(Subspace Overdrive)
616. Quasar phase 2 + Iranis phase 2
616.5. Quasar phase 3 + Iranis phase 3
617. Cosmi
618. Refined Omnibane(Omnibane phase 2)
619. Book Of The Lunar Far Side
620. Sentient J1707B
621. Upgraded Omnibane(Omnibane phase 3)
622. ASASSN-21jsbi
623. Gaia21bcvbi
624. Overcharged Omnibane(Omnibane phase 4)
625. Sentient Satelite
626. The Confracture
627. Overload Omnibane(Omnibane true form)
628. Martyrdom
629. S014r 5y5t3m
630. The Lunar Vortex + everyone in section 42 (minus repeat characters)
Section 43(Acquaintanceship)
Subsection 1(Throwback)
Sub-subsection 1(Rewound)
(note: for this section, i'll put the mod/song/whatever next to the character to avoid any confusion)
631. Whitty (VS Whitty)
632. Tricky (VS Tricky)
633. AGOTI + Tabi (FNF: Entity + VS Tabi)
634. Zardy + Cablecrow(VS Zardy)
635. Sarv + Ruv (MFM)
636. Bob + Ron (Bob's Onslaught)
637. Sonic.exe (VS Sonic.exe)
638. Horror Mario (Mario's Madness)
639. Hypno (Funkin' Lullaby)
640. Monika (DDTO+)
641. Indie Trio(Cuphead, Sans and Bendy) (Indie Cross)
642. Red + Green (VS Impostor)
643. Sky (VS Sky)
644. Shaggy + Matt (VS Shaggy + Wii Funkin)
645. Quincy(VD's Quincy) + Everyone in Sub-subsection 1
Sub-subsection 2(Ran Its Course)
646. Ballistic Whitty (VS Whitty)
647. Unmasked Tricky (VS Tricky)
648. Enraged AGOTI + Genocide Tabi (FNF: Entity + VS Tabi)
649. Absolute Rage Quartet
650. Demon Sarv (MFM)
651. Run Bob + Lucifer Ron (Bob's Onslaught + VS Ron)
651.5. Onslaught Bob + Bloodbath Ron (Bob's Onslaught + VS Ron)
652. Xenophanes round 1 (VS Sonic.exe)
652.142857. Soul Tails (VS Sonic.exe)
652.285714. Xenophanes round 2 (VS Sonic.exe)
652.428571. Soul Knuckles (VS Sonic.exe)
652.571428. Xenophanes round 3 (VS Sonic.exe)
652.714285. Soul Eggman (VS Sonic.exe)
652.857142. Xenophanes round 4 + the souls (VS Sonic.exe)
653. Ultra M (Mario's Madness)
653.111. Xeno interjects and M forms an unwarranted alliance w/ BF
653.222. Xeno goes super (TT Encore Concept(?)/TT Kaizo Mix)
653.333 Ultra M becomes Giga M (Secret Exit)
653.444. Xeno goes hyper (TT Kaizo Mix)
653.555. Giga M becomes Oblivion M (Stars Of Hope)
653.666. Xeno becomes his dark form (???)
653.777. Oblivion M pulls out a Wonder Flower and become Wonder M (Wonderland)
653.888. Wonder M kills Xeno
654. Lost Cause Hypno (Funkin' Lullaby)
655. Nightmare Indie Trio (Indie Cross)
656. Manifest Sky (VS Sky)
657. WB Shaggy + Wiik 1000 Matt (VS Shaggy + Matt Wiik 1000)
657.5. Zephyrus appears and takes over shaggy
658. Zeph Shaggy vs Wiik 1000 Matt + BF
659. Legion (Trollge Files)
660. Quincy origin form + everyone in Sub-subsection 2(minus Xeno bc Ultra M kill)
Subsection 2(Up To Snuff)
Sub-subsection 1(Overdone)
661. Encore Lord X (Hit Single Real)
662. Yourself (Hit Single Real)
663. MaxDesignPro (Twiddlefinger)
664. Jerry (Jeffy's Endless Aethos(do you see the theming here?))
665. Diablo (Sonic.exe Rerun UST)
666. MuffinEater45 (ASDF's Endless Muffin Time
668. AethosOC69 (Every Aethos Style Mod(the joke is that this sub-subsection is all characters w/ songs that have lyrics))
669. NMI (PTD Album/whatever)
670. Stella + everyone in Sub-subsection 1
Sub-subsection 2(Precompiled Sycophants)
671. End (Returnal)
672. Refactor (Executable Entourage)
673. Genesis X (idk)
674. PTD Quartet(Fatal, Sl4sh, Requital and Majin) (PTD Album)
675. PTD Unsuccessful recruits minus NMI and Wacky(DX and Cyclops.ISO)
676. Kilobyte (Cosmic Awareness oneshot)
677. PS135 (VS Sonic.exe Mario Mix)
678. Project X(how did bro get here???) (idk)
679. VX(how did bro get here also???) ( :) )
Subsection 3(Run It Back!)
680. Quincy origin form + Stella origin form + everyone in subsection 1 sub-subsection 2 and subsection 2(minus Xeno still)
Section 44(Parodical Monolithicus[the contentment clone and joke section{kill me}])
Subsection 1(Periodical)
681. Banbi phase 1
682. Guh
683. Tallbi
684. Dollar Store Bandu
685. Microwave
686. G U N
687. Ef-youbi
688. Jimy
689. Manbi Phase 69420
690. Poid
Subsection 2(Comma-cle)
691. Banbi phase 2
692. The Phone
693. Literal Manbi
694. Tallerbi
695. Shorturnlaux
696. Sacabambaspis Bambi
697. The Entanglement
698. No Character
699. Ceiling Fan
700. Commi
Subsection 3(Contracted)
701. Banbi phase 3
702. Chromatic Cluster
703. The Wiggle Man
704. Random Bullshit Go
705. Exbungo Prisma
706. Arrow
707. The Spamtrack Christmas Tree
708. HotSpurgleVideo
709. Talkative
710. Conbi '
Subsection 4(Arm-ergency)
711. Banbi phase 931089461897531785128127876320598347
712. Pancreas Failiure
713. Flatfuck Dinglecousin's Cousin
714. Chemical Castration
715. fhvni9ufjvfrdwfrfra
716. Sigmacucker Multicornette
717. Mr. Johnson Outline
718. Demipolish Diamond Man
719. Peak Migratory Vinbi Remake
720. Beh
Subsection 5(a fucking lung disease)
721. Banbi Final Form(aka Banbi's Gravestone)
722. Parejdolijo
723. Perry + Gron
724. Long Arms Amy
725. Flatfuck Dingle
726. Fruity Loops
727. pol,i.nijon.mluytuuiythgihutyrtz
728. Ziggle Master
729. The Guy
730. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis Conbi
Subsection 6(Comical)
731. Comically Overpowered Conbi round 1
732. Everyone in subsection 1
733. Everyone in subsection 2
734. Everyone in subsection 3
735. Everyone in subsection 4
736. Everyone in subsection 5
737. Comically Overpowered Conbi round 2
738. Everyone in Section 44(minus Banbi phase 1, 2, 3 and 931089461897531785128127876320598347 and Tallbi)
739. Peak Migratory Vinbi Remake kills himself because migratory is dead now.
Section 45(Completionist)
740. Upheaval phase 2
740.5. Upheaval phase 3
741. Manbi phase 4.5
742. Kevoc phase 1
742.5. Kevoc phase 2
743. Opposition Bambi phase 2
744. Vittorio phase 1 + Fallen phase 1
744.5. Vittorio phase 2 + Fallen phase 2
745. Eudemi phase 3
746. Quindarious Gooch phase 1
746.5. Quindarious Gooch phase 2
747. Codegold
748. Chromakopia
749. Banixo
750. Spiral
751. Willard phase 4
752. Joe phase 1
752.333. Joe flexes his trumpet skills
752.666. Joe puts his trumpet away and turns into his second phase
753. ULO phase 1
754. Lorenzo phase 1
755. Opioid
756. Greg
757. Vergbi
758. Oscillate
759. inmbis origin + Upheaval origin
760. Karson + everyone in section 45(minus Upheaval phase 2 and 3, Kevoc phase 1, Vittorio phase 1, Fallen phase 1, Quindarious Gooch phase 1 and Joe phase 1)
Part 2
Section 46(Tergiversation)
Subsection 1(Apostasy)
761. Macron
762. Willard phase 5
763. Kevoc phase 3
764. Morpheus phase 5
765. Banixo phase 2
766. Sumbil
767. Coah
768. Grey + 2-Side Expun
769. Badhu
770. Abrogation Conbi + everyone in subsection 1
Subsection 2(Autopsy)
771. Macron phase 2
772. Willard phase 6
773. Kevoc phase 4
774. Morpheus phase 6
775. Banixo phase 3
776. Losf
777. The + Twyet Tru Adh Expundsaf
778. Undergrounded
779. Nimbi
Subsection 3(Insubordination)
780. Bisector(Bisection Chromebi remake to match Valedict) + Abrogation Conbi + everyone in section 46
Section 47(Constituted)
781. Brenda
782. Tom
783. Sid
784. Samuel
785. Monique
786. Anatolic Conbi + everyone in section 47
Section 48(Undoubted)
787. Andrey + Arpad
788. Bakary + Bobo
789. Dickson + Grisha
790. Irakli + Mahamadou
791. Mohammadi + Mukhtar
792. Neville + Pal
793. Rajendra + Suleman
794. Vazgen + Vitaly
795. Waleed + Zafar
796. Nocturnal Plaza Conbi + everyone in section 48
Section 49(Safety)
Subsection 1(Sanctuary)
797. Ignotus
798. Theodoros
799. Vittorio phase 3
800. Fallen phase 3
801. Halex
802. Metilenus
803. Ascendgold phase 4
804. Manbi phase 5
805. Backy phase 0
806. Halo Bambi true form
807. Gloria
Subsection 2(Tranquility)
808. Submechano(BambiSMP remake)
809. Brent phase 1
810. Spatrix phase 1
811. The Derelict
812. Nimbi true form
813. Tepalt + Marble
814. Sahaquiel phase 1
815. Manburn phase 1
816. Sahaquiel phase 1
816.5. Sahaquiel phase 2
817. Blue Dude
818. Ordeus
818.5. something happens...
Subsection 3/The First Encounter(Abaddonic Disruption)
Sub-subsection 1(Terrible Mistake)
(Gloria accompanies you)
819. Cal + Dekeroto
820. Everyone in subsection 1(minus Gloria)
821. Cal + Dekeroto + Everyone in subsection 1(minus Gloria)
Sub-subsection 2(Deal Gone Wrong)
(Ordeus accompanies you)
822. Supercharged Phobos + Vitalised Pluto
823. Everyone in subsection 2(minus Ordeus)
824. Supercharged Phobos + first half of subsection 2
825. Vitalised Pluto + second half of subsection 2
826. Supercharged Phobos + Vitalised Pluto + Everyone in subsection 2(minus Ordeus)
Sub-subsection 3(Terrible Choices)
(Gloria and Ordeus accompany you)
827. Cal + Dekeroto round 2
828. Supercharged Phobos + Vitalised Pluto round 2
829. Everyone in subsection 1 and 2(minus Gloria and Ordeus)
830. Cal + Dekeroto + Supercharged Phobos + Vitalised Pluto + Everyone in section 49(minus Gloria and Ordeus)
830.5. Cal, Dekeroto, Phobos and Pluto randomly disappear and everything returns to normal
Section 50(Monochromatic Kingdom)
Subsection 1(Coalition)
Sub-subsection 1(The First Tier)
831. No
832. Some Bambi
833. Hygras
834. Prism Sentinel
835. Teir 1 Marath Minions
Sub-subsection 2(Monochromatic King)
836. Denode
837. James
838. Switcher
839. 3d Modeling Tool Man
840. Borealis
841. Dexzter + Missing Bambi
842. Qwerty
843. Dreambi + Cosmi true form
844. Tunely
845. Marath + everyone in subsection 1
Subsection 2(Adversity)
Sub-subsection 1(The Second Tier)
846. Tony
847. Glitchi
848. Copii
849. Glitchi
850. Teir 2 Marath Minions
Sub-subsection 2(Monochrome Prince)
851. Arama phase 1
852. Nelson phase 1
853. Timmy phase 1
854. Marq
855. Theodore
856. Bogdan phase 1
857. ((,--+)(!;.
858. Ludovico
859. Lancelot phase 1
860. Endmost + everyone in subsection 2
Subsection 3(Catastrophic)
Sub-subsection 1(The Final Tier)
861. Heliodoros phase 1
862. Tommy phase 1
863. Vladimir
864. Athanasios
865. Teir 3 Marath Minions
Sub-subsection 2(Empowerment)
866. Santino
867. Luis
868. Specter phase 1
869. Chester phase 1
870. Stephen phase 1
871. Seymour
872. Ambrose
873. Byron
874. Yunbi
875. Empowered Marath + everyone in subsection 3
Subsection 4(Finality)
876. Empowered Marath + Endmost
877. everyone in subsection 1
878. everyone in subsection 2
879. everyone in subsection 3
880. Empowered Marath + Endmost + everyone in section 50
Part 3
Section 51(Triptych)
881. Arama phase 2
882. Nelson phase 2
883. Timmy phase 2
884. Bogdan phase 2
885. Lancelot phase 2
885.5. Lancelot phase 2.5
886. Tommy true form
887. Specter phase 2
888. Chester phase 2
889. Stephen phase 2
890. Iliad Conbi + everyone in section 51(minus lancelot phase 2)
Section 52(Inconsistency)
891. Spatrix phase 2
892. Manburn phase 1.5
892.5. Manburn phase 2
893. Tuxtoonbi phase 1
894. Regretful Manbi
895. Fallacy
895.5. True Fallacy + everyone in section 52(minus manburn phase 1.5)
Section 53(Contrivance)
Subsection 1(Emulation)
896. Manbi phase 6
897. Extirpated phase 2
898. Phenominal Expunged(theoretical phase 2)
899. Skinner
900. Conflictive + Everyone in subsection 1
Subsection 2(Conciliatory)
901. ÷
902. #
903. & phase 4
904. Square Open Bracket + Square Close Bracket
905. Contriving + Everyone in subsection 2
Subsection 3(Achromous)
906. Backy phase 1
907. Tuxtoonbi phase 2
908. Heliodoros phase 2
909. Willard phase 7
910. Achromatic + Everyone in subsection 3
Subsection 4(Final Showdown)
911. Conflictive + Contriving + Achromatic
912. Everyone in subsection 1
913. Everyone in subsection 2
914. Everyone in subsection 3
915. Conflictive + Contriving + Achromatic + everyone in Section 53
Section 54(Longevity)
916. Lincoln phase 1
916.333. Enraged Lincoln
916.666. God Lincoln
917. Landonesis
918. Lincoln Phase 2
918.5. Crazed Landonesis Joins
919. Leonafitus
919.333. True Landonesis joins
919.666. Lincoln phase 3 joins
920. Leo + Leonafitus, True Landonesis and Lincoln phase 3
Section 55(Chromatograph)
Subsection 0(Chromatic Greeting)
920.5. Devan welcomes BF to his realm and wishes him luck on his section
Subsection 1(Prismic Problems)
Sub-subsection 1(Diversification)
921. (new) Red Bambi
922. Orange Bambi
923. Yellow Bambi
924. Green Bambi(not green expunged)
927. Blue Expunged
928. Pink Bambi
929. Purple Bambi
930. Cygnus X-1 + everyone in sub-subsection 1
Sub-subsection 2(Disproportionate Dilema)
931. Lime Bambi
932. Cyan Bambi
933. Magenta Bambi
934. Navy Expunged
935. Teal Expunged
936. Celadon Bambi
937. Folly Bambi
938. Aquamarine Expunged
939. Azure
940. Devan + everyone in subsection 1
Subsection 2(Hued Arrays)
Sub-subsection 1(Multifariousness)
941. Lavender
942. Maroon Bambi
943. Brown Expunged phase 1
943.333. Brown Expunged phase 2
943.666. Brown Expunged phase 3
944. Beige Expunged
945. Celeste(not the game)
946. Glaucous
947. Red-Orange
948. Quercitron
949. Gold Bambi(not ascendgold)
950. Disparing Kael/Leo(depending which one you prefer) + everyone in sub-subsection 1(minus brown expunged phase 1 and 2)
Sub-subsection 2(Incongruity)
951. Apricot
952. Velvet
953. Carnelian
954. Cyclamen
955. Rose Gold
956. Watermelon
957. Turmeric
958. Chocolate
959. Ketchup
960. Consummate Devan(Devan phase 2) + everyone in subsection 2
960.5. something possesses Devan
Subsection 3(Grandiloquence)
Sub-subsection 1(Florid Aurora)
961. Matcha
962. Strawberry Expunged
963. Wild Starwberry Expunged
964. Citrine(from this point, i started using a generator)
965. Emerald
966. Cream
967. Scarlet
968. Sage
969. Indigo
970. Disparing Helios + everyone in sub-subsection 1
Sub-subsection 2(Monochromic Fate)
971. White
972. Light Gray
973. Gray
974. Dark Gray
975. Black
976. Vantablack
977. Onyx
978. Silver
979. Hex 282632
980. Possessed Devan(Devan phase 3) + everyone in subsection 3
Subsection 4(Chroma Convergence)
Sub-subsection 1(Kaleidoscopic)
981. Murrey
982. Rose
983. Rose Taupe
984. Golden Gate Bridge(the colour)
985. Hunter Green
986. Tea Green
987. Pumpkin
988. Cinnibar
989. Gay Bambi phase 1
990. Disparing Marath + Disparing Endmost + everyone in subsection 1
Sub-subsection 1.5(Intrusion)
990.5. a swarm of Devan Minions appear
Sub-subsection 2(In Color Rota)
991. & B-side phase 1
992. Cursed_03
993. D𝔧𝔡𝔧𝔣𝔧𝔡 Bambi / S
994. Regorben phase 1
994.5. Regorben phase 2
995. 00
996. 5pvkrx
997. Furdik + Taplow + Wallace
998. Tyrant phase 1
999. Gay Bambi phase 2
1000. Figurehead Devan(Devan phase 4) + everyone in subsection 4
1000.5. a beam of light surrounds Devan
Subsection 5(Full Spectrum)
1001. The Embodiment of Colour(Devan True form)
1002. everyone in subsection 1
1003. everyone in subsection 2
1004. everyone in subsection 3
1005. everyone in subsection 4
1006. Cygnus X-1 + Disparing Kael/Leo(again, depending which one you prefer) + Disparing Helios + Disparing Marath + Disparing Endmost
1007. TEOC round 2
1008. everyone in section 55
1008.5. TEOC summons Rheliem
1009. TEOC round 3 + Rheliem
1010. everyone in section 55(including TEOC) + Rheliem
Part 4
Section 56(Inconsistance)
1012. Polar Patroller
1013. Double Helix
1014. Raven
1015. Rufus
1016. Cerberus
1017. U.P.M.I.A
1018. Champion Oscar
1019. Zero Point Rift Fragment
1020. High Society Conbi + The Zero Point + everyone in section 56
Section 57(Bifurcate)
1021. Manburn phase 3
1022. Tuxtoonbi phase 3
1023. Extirpated phase 3
1024. Backy phase 2
1024.5. Backy phase 3
1025. Dichotomi + everyone in section 57
Section 58(Waning Dusk)
1026. Kukkumine Jenkeris
1027. FractiousCorn(Multicorn phase 47)
1028. Manbi phase 7
1029. Willard phase 8
1030. Stellar + Dreambi phase 2
1031. Pestered
1032. Bamboost
1033. Tony phase 2
1034. Blazer phase 1
1034.5. Blazer phase 2
1035. Twili + everyone in section 58(minus blazer phase 1)
Section 59(Familiarity)
Subsection 1(Reacquaintanceship)
Sub-subsection 1(Old Faces)
1036. True Hortas
1037. Manny
1038. Boxy
1039. Irfan
1040. Yambi
1041. Sugarycherry
1042. Limbs
1043. AGNAB
1044. Archasia
1045. Vengeful Conbi round 1
Sub-subsection 2(Newcomings)
1046. Nick
1047. Mushy
1048. Immune
1049. Gator
1050. Oshi
1051. GoofyCatte
1052. Vinny
1053. Emanbi
1054. Nael
1055. Vengeful Conbi round 2
Sub-subsection 3(Insensitivity)
i am in no way shape or form insulting these people.(except maybe bloxxin, manber and erick)
1056. Luke
1057. Error
1058. Flamebi
1059. Katie
1060. Misu
1061. Zom
1062. Bloxbi
1063. Manber
1064. Erick
1065. Vengeful Conbi round 3
Subsection 2/The Second Encounter(Hellish Throwdown)
(Vengeful Conbi phase 2/Spiteful Conbi accompanies you)
1066. Brimstone Hortas
1067. Halfwitted Manny
1068. Tainted Irfan
1069. True Yambi
1070. Reverent Limbs + Wilted AGNAB
1071. Cardinal Nick
1072. Amanita Mushy
1073. Immune phase 3
1074. Oshi Phase inf
1075. Distorted Goofy Catte true form
1076. Banebi + Emanbi true form
1077. Red Nael
1078. Lukebi true form
1079. Terror + Punitive Flamebi
1080. Irate Phobos + Exasperated Pluto + Everyone in subsection 2
1080.5. Pluto gets Biden Blasted by ?????? causing Phobos to flee and everything to return to normal
Section 60(Valor)
Subsection 1(Unavoidability)
1081. Manbi phase 8
1081.5. Manbi phase 9
1082. Backy phase 2
1083. Tuxtoonbi phase 4
1084. Spatrix phase 3
1085. Timmy phase 3
1086. Brent phase 2
1086.333. Brent phase 3
1086.666. Brent phase 4
1087. Sahaquiel phase 2
1088. Earl phase 1
1088.5. Earl phase 2
1089. Ezar
1090. Paraph + everyone in subsection 1(minus manbi phase 8, brent phase 2/3 and earl phase 1)
Subsection 2(Perfection)
1091. Willard phase 9
1091.25. Willard phase 10
1091.5. is Willard ok?
1091.75. Willard true form
1092. Amadou phase 1
1092.5. Amadou phase 2
1093. Inconceivable Bambi(incomprehensible phase 2)
1094. Elemental entity
1095. Yes bambi
1096. Potent phase 2
1097. DegnupxE phase 2
1098. Theo(not theoretical)
1099. Tyrant phase 2
1100. Utmost + everyone in subsection 2(minus amadou phase 1 and willard phase 9 and 10)
Subsection 3(Certitude)
1101. Paraph + Utmost + everyone in section 60(minus manbi phase 8, brent phase 2/3, earl phase 1 and amadou phase 1)
Part 4.5
Section 60.333(Strategized)
1101.5. Excelsor pre-dialogue(basically just: "right, i talked some sense into Aeternus, turns out you didnt actually throw the mic by your own accord. apparently phobos possessed you or smthn.")
1102. Excelsor round 1
1102.5. wait number 9
1103. Everyone in section 41(minus holy phase 1 + 2, thanbi phase 1 and heavenly boddered)
1104. Everyone in section 42(minus repeat characters)
1105. Everyone in section 43(minus repeat characters)
1106. Everyone in section 44(minus Banbi phase 1, 2, 3 and 931089461897531785128127876320598347, Tallbi and PMVR(bc he's still dead))
1107. Everyone in section 45(minus Upheaval phase 2 and 3, Kevoc phase 1, Vittorio phase 1, Fallen phase 1, Quindarious Gooch phase 1 and Joe phase 1)
1108. Everyone in section 46
1109. Everyone in section 47
1110. Everyone in section 48
1111. Everyone in section 49(minus cal, dekeroto, phobos phase 2 and pluto phase 2)
1112. Everyone in section 50
1113. Everyone in section 51(minus lancelot phase 2)
1114. Everyone in section 52(minus manburn phase 1.5)
1115. Everyone in section 53
1116. Lincoln phase 3
1116.333. True Landonesis
1116.666. Leonafitus
1117. Everyone in section 55
1118. Everyone in section 56
1119. Everyone in section 57
1120. Everyone in section 58(minus blazer phase 1)
1121. Everyone in section 59 subsection 1(minus phobos phase 3 and pluto phase 3)(bc phobos and pluto arent here to corrupt them)
1122. Everyone in section 60(minus manbi phase 8, brent phase 2/3, earl phase 1, amadou phase 1 and willard phase 9 and 10)
1123. All the leaders(minus regular fallacy, every phase of devan except TEOC and spiteful)
1124. Excelsor round 2
1124.5. wait number 10
1125. Everyone in section 41 at once(minus holy phase 1 + 2, thanbi phase 1 and heavenly boddered)
1126. Everyone in section 42 at once(minus repeat characters)
1127. Everyone in section 43 at once(minus repeat characters)
1128. Everyone in section 44 at once(minus Banbi phase 1, 2, 3 and 931089461897531785128127876320598347, Tallbi and PMVR(bc he's still dead))
1129. Everyone in section 45 at once(minus Upheaval phase 2 and 3, Kevoc phase 1, Vittorio phase 1, Fallen phase 1, Quindarious Gooch phase 1 and Joe phase 1)
1130. Everyone in section 46 at once
1131. Everyone in section 47 at once
1132. Everyone in section 48 at once
1133. Everyone in section 49 at once(minus cal, dekeroto, phobos phase 2 and pluto phase 2)
1134. Everyone in section 50 at once
1135. Everyone in section 51 at once(minus lancelot phase 2)
1136. Everyone in section 52 at once(minus manburn phase 1.5)
1137. Everyone in section 53 at once
1138. Lincoln phase 3 + True Landonesis + Leonafitus
1139. Everyone in section 55 at once
1140. Everyone in section 56 at once
1141. Everyone in section 57 at once
1142. Everyone in section 58 at once(minus blazer phase 1)
1143. Everyone in section 59 subsection 1 at once(minus phobos phase 3 and pluto phase 3)(bc phobos and pluto arent here to corrupt them)
1144. Everyone in section 60 at once(minus manbi phase 8, brent phase 2/3, earl phase 1, amadou phase 1 and willard phase 9 and 10)
1145. All the leaders at once(minus regular fallacy, every phase of devan except TEOC and spiteful)
1146. Excelsor round 3
1146.5. wait number 11(gonna need these 2)
1147. Everyone in part 1(and their leaders, minus repeat characters) at once
1148. Everyone in part 2(and their leaders, minus repeat characters) at once
1149. Everyone in part 3(and their leaders, minus repeat characters) at once
1150. Everyone in part 4(and their leaders, minus repeat characters) at once
1151. Excelsor round 4
1151.5. wait number 12
1152. Everyone in Act 3 at once
1153. Excelsor round 5/Excelsor ascension
Section(?) 60.666(Devised)
1153.166. Excelsor congratulates BF for surviving this far.
1153.333. something happens
1153.5. Excelsor warns bf for the next act and equips him with a multi-use holy mantle
1153.666. Excelsor wishes BF the best of luck with the penultimate act and disappears
1153.833. Rapture appears and sends BF to purgatory with no hesitation
Act 4(Raptured Spirit)
Part 1
Section 61(Blitzed)
1154. Helmni phase 3
1154.2. Helmni phase 4
1154.4. Helmni phase 5
1154.6. Helmni phase 6
1154.8. Helmni phase 7
1155. Anguivion phase 2
1156. True Thebi
1157. True Funeralbi
1158. Cross phase 1
1159. Titan phase 1
1160. Ghost God + everyone in section 61(minus helmni phase 3-6)
Section 62(Pure Psychosis)
1161. Helmni phase 8
1161.2. Helmni phase 9
1161.4. Helmni phase 10
1161.6. Helmni phase 11
1161.8. Helmni phase 12
1162. Anguivion phase 3
1163. Titan phase 2
1164. [TEMPORARY] phase 1(doesn't fit colour scheme wise, however, he can 7.03687442e14.)
1165. Psychotic Departure + everyone in section 62(minus helmni phase 8-11)
Section 63(Basaltic)
1166. Helmni phase 13
1166.2. Helmni phase 14
1166.4. Helmni phase 15
1166.6. Helmni phase 16
1166.8. Helmni phase 17
1167. [TEMPORARY] phase 2
1168. The Cardinal(Zensation true form)
1169. Omega phase 1
1170. Obsidian Conbi + everyone in section 63(minus helmni phase 13-16)
Section 64(Terminus)
1171. Helmni phase 18
1171.166. Helmni phase 19
1171.333. Helmni phase 20
1171.5. Helmni phase 21
1171. Helmni phase 22
1171. Helmni phase 23
1172. Omega phase 2
1173. [TEMPORARY] phase 3
1173.5. [TEMPORARY] true form
1174. Regretting HAMARITA
1175. Tyrant phase 3
1176. B-side Willard phase 9
1176.333. B-side Willard phase 10
1176.666. B-side Willard true form
1177. Conbi Ω phase 1
1177.5. Conbi Ω phase 2 + everyone in section 64(minus repeat characters)
Section 65/The First Showdown(Absolution)
1178. Omega phase 3 + Helmni phase 24
1179. Omega beyond infinity + Helmni phase 25
1180. Omega phase 4 + Helmni true form
Part 2
Section 66(Undevised)
1181. Anguivion phase 4
1182. [WRECKED]
1183. Redacted phase 4
1184. Fajil
1185. Charlie phase 1
1185.333. Charlie phase 2
1185.666. Charlie phase 3
1186. Bambi's Hat
1167. Dan phase 8
1168. Multicorn phase 10
1169. Nullifier phase 1
1170. [INDIVISIBLE] + everyone in section 66(minus charlie phase 1/2)
Section 67(Against the Clock)
1171. Anguivion phase 5
1172. Redacted phase 5
1173. Hat God phase 2
1174. White Noise Asterisk
1175. Kellatorn + everyone in section 67
Section 68(Contorted)
1176. Pangaguros phase 2
1177. Umbrati true form
1178. Jack Wimble Fatal Form
1179. Megaopolis
1180. Tortured + everyone in section 68
Section 69(Sinful)
1181. Beelzebub
1182. Lucifer
1183. Leviathan
1184. Mammon
1185. Asmodeus
1186. Satanus
1187. Belphegor(not the 2nd punitive demise guy)
1188. The Kraken + all the sins
Section 70/The Second Showdown(Limbo bound)
1189. Destroyed
1190. Extorted
1191. Malformed
1192. Disfigured
1193. Annihilatied
Part 2.5
Section 70.5/The Bonus Showdown(Fallen Monarchy)
i am so sorry for what's about to happen...
Subsection 1(False Divergence)
1194. Visual Pollution Kanryo
1195. Noise Pollution Deverlaux
1195.5. VP Kanryo + NP Deverlaux
Subsection 2(Failed Migration)
Round 1:
1196. Corrupted Migrathorios
1197. Corrupted Marathalia
1198. Corrupted Marathonbi
1199. Corrupted Migransional
1200. Corrupted [MIGRATION]
1201. Corrupted Migracore
Round 2:
1202. C.Migrathorios + C.Marathalia
1203. C.Marathonbi + C.Migransional
1204. C.[MIGRATION] + C.Migracore
Round 3:
1205. C.Migrathorios + C.Marathalia + C.Marathonbi + C.Migransional + C.[MIGRATION] + C.Migracore
Subsection 3(None were left to speak Your Eulogy...)
1206. VP Kanryo + NP Deverlaux
1207. C.Migrathorios + C.Marathalia + C.Marathonbi + C.Migransional + C.[MIGRATION] + C.Migracore
1208. everyone in the bonus showdown
Part 3
Section 71(Time Break)
1209. Escuro phase 1
1210. Cross phase 2
1212. Unnamed Fire Opponent
1213. Redacted phase 6
1214. Time God
1215. Awakened Kellatorn + everyone in section 71
Section 72(Lunacy)
Subsection 1(The Prodromal Stage)
Sub-subsection 1(Anxious)
1216. Jenkeris phase 12
1217. Dan phase 9
1218. Multicorn phase 11
1219. Mephistopheles phase 1 + everyone in sub-subsection 1
Sub-subsection 2(Unusual Perception)
1220. Dan phase 10
1221. Multicorn phase 12
1222. Rimbo phase 1
1223. Mephistopheles phase 2 + everyone in sub-subsection 2
Subsection 2(The Acute Stage)
Sub-subsection 1(Hallucinatory)
1224. Dan phase 11
1225. Multicorn phase 13
1226. Rimbo phase 2
1227. Mephistopheles phase 3 + everyone in sub-subsection 1
Sub-subsection 2(Erratic)
1228. Smite Dan
1229. Multicorn phase 14
1230. Jenkeris phase 13
1231. Mephistopheles phase 4 + everyone in sub-subsection 2
Subsection 3(False Recovery)
Sub-subsection 1(Delusioned)
1232. Seinfeld phase 1
1233. Unnamed Burnout Entity
1234. Delimatus/Eonbi
1235. Mephistopheles phase 5 + everyone in sub-subsection 1
Sub-subsection 2(Destabilisation)
1236. Sinefeld phase 2
1237. UNDEFINED phase 3
1238. Burger Kind
1239. Mephistopheles phase 6 + everyone in sub-subsection 2
Subsection 4(Relapse)
Sub-subsection 1(Illusionary)
1240. Seinfeld phase 3
1241. Atomitizing UNDEFINED
1242. Redacted phase 7
1243. Mephistopheles phase 7 + everyone in sub-subsection 1
Sub-subsection 2(Behavioural)
1244. Misanthropy UNDEFINED
1245. Redacted phase 8
1246. Anguivion phase 6
1247. Mephistopheles phase 8 + everyone in sub-subsection 2
Subsection 5(Unmaintained)
Sub-subsection 1(Inconsistent)
1248. Anguivion phase 7
1249. Redacted phase 9
1250. Nonexistent UNDEFINED
1251. Mephistopheles phase 9 + everyone in sub-subsection 1
Sub-subsection 2(Adherence)
1252. Anguivion phase 8
1253. Redacted phase 10
1254. Miniature UNDEFINED
1255. Mephistopheles phase 10 + everyone in sub-subsection 2
Subsection 6(Pure Psychosis)
1256. Perfect Mephistopheles(aka. Mephistopheles true form) + everyone in section 72(minus repeat characters(i give up.))
Section 73(Traitorous)
1258. Colortapt
1259. Gangodi phase 1
1260. The Traitor + everyone in section 73
Section 74(Nameless)
1261. Ganhodi phase 2
1263. Tortured phase 2
1264. Erinnya Erisesa Entity + everyone in section 74
Section 75/The Third Showdown(Crimson Haze)
1265. The True Embodiment Of HELL(Phobos true form)
Part 4
Section 76(Monochromatic Ruin)
Subsection 1(Corruption)
1266. Turmoil(not the MM one)
1267. UNKNOWN_THREAT phase 2
1268. Ganhodi phase 3
1269. Spaci(UD)
1270. Avenged(Misotheism)
1271. <DISTORTER> true form
1272. Run Bitch Jeremy
1273. Redacted phase 11
1274. Unnamed yellow eye INVALID_DATA form(the phase 5 in sylen's folder
1275. Corrupted Marath + everyone in subsection 1
Subsection 2(The Prince's Empowering)
1276. Catastrobi phase 4(canon) + Catastrobi phase 4(sylen)
1277. Cyril phase 3
1278. Bambi's hat phase 2
1278.5. Bambi's hat phase 3
1279. Cessated's hat
1280. Ragnarok Expunged
1281. Alternate Eshemev
1282. Plimirage Expunged
1283. Redacted phase 12
1284. Unnamed INVALID_DATA portal form(the phase 6 in sylen's folder)
1285. Empowered Endmost + everyone in subsection 2
Subsection 3(Manifestation)
1286. UHD Catastrobi
1287. Bambi's hat phase 4
1287.5. Bambi's hat phase 5
1288. Ton-618 true form
1289. Absolvedwheat
1290. Mind Crusher + Ear Destroyer
1291. World Killer
1292. Omegabreaker + UPE(Unnamed Psychotomimetic Entity) + Dimensionannihilator
1293. Theoretical Redacted + Theoretical Demented
1294. Unnamed cyan INVALID_DATA abomination(the phase 7 in sylen's folder)
1295. A Manifestation Of Power + everyone subsection 3
Subsection 4(Utter Finality)
1296. AMOP + Empowered Endmost
1297. Dimentional
1298. Dimentional + AMOP + Empowered Endmost + everyone in section 76(minus repeat characters)
Section 77(Cipher)
1299. Catastrobi phase 6
1300. INVALID_DATA phase 2
1301. Bambi's hat phase 6
1301.5. Bambi's hat phase 7
1302. Purgatory's Optic Lens
1303. Galaxy Exploder
1304. Anguivion phase 9
1305. Nonentity Conbi + everyone in section 77
Section 78(Endless)
1306. Bambi's hat phase 8
1306.333, Bambi's hat phase 9
1306.666. Bambi's hat phase 10
1307. ABSOLUTE_DATA(I_D true form)
1308. Multiversebreaker
1309. Jack Wimble Hadal Form
1310. Anguivion phase 10
1311. Ad Finem + everyone in section 78
Section 79(Awakening)
1312. Awakened Scopomania
1313. Awakened Ommetaphobia
1314. Awakened Banger eye
1315. Awakened Kaleidoscope eye
1316. Awakened Scopoliosis + everyone in section 79
Section 80/The Final Showdown(Nullspace)
1317. The Executioner Awakened
1318. Chronos(True Kellatorn)
1319. The Executioner Awakened + Chronos
Part 4.5
Section 80.333(Exaltation)
1319.5. Rapture pre-dialogue
1320. Rapture round 1
1320.5. wait number 13(you're gonna need all of these)
1321. Everyone in section 61 (minus helmni phase 3-6)
1322. Everyone in section 62 (minus helmni phase 8-11)
1323. Everyone in section 63 (minus helmni phase 13-16)
1324. Everyone in section 64 (minus repeat characters)
1325. Everyone in section 66 (minus charlie phase 1/2)
1326. Everyone in section 67
1327. Everyone in section 68
1328. Everyone in section 69
1329. Everyone in section 71
1330. Everyone in section 72 (minus repeat characters(i still give up.))
1331. Everyone in section 73
1332. Everyone in section 74
1333. Everyone in section 76 (minus repeat characters)
1334. Everyone in section 77
1335. Everyone in section 78
1336. Everyone in section 79
1337. Everyone in the Showdown sections (minus Omega phase 3/beyond infinity, Helmni phase 24/25, Destroyed, Extorted, Malformed and Disfigured)
1338. All the leaders (minus lesser forms of them)
1339. Rapture round 2
1339.5. wait number 14
1340. Everyone in section 61 at once (minus helmni phase 3-6)
1341. Everyone in section 62 at once (minus helmni phase 8-11)
1342. Everyone in section 63 at once (minus helmni phase 13-16)
1343. Everyone in section 64 at once (minus repeat characters)
1344. Everyone in section 66 at once (minus charlie phase 1/2)
1345. Everyone in section 67 at once
1346. Everyone in section 68 at once
1347. Everyone in section 69 at once
1348. Everyone in section 71 at once
1349. Everyone in section 72 at once (minus repeat characters(i still give up.))
1350. Everyone in section 73 at once
1351. Everyone in section 74 at once
1352. Everyone in section 76 at once (minus repeat characters)
1353. Everyone in section 77 at once
1354. Everyone in section 78 at once
1355. Everyone in section 79 at once
1356. Everyone in the Showdown sections at once (minus Omega phase 3/beyond infinity, Helmni phase 24/25, Destroyed, Extorted, Malformed and Disfigured)
1357. All the leaders at once (minus lesser forms of them)
1358. Rapture round 3
1358.5. wait number 15
1359. Everyone in part 1(and their leaders, minus repeat characters) at once
1360. Everyone in part 2(and their leaders, minus repeat characters) at once
1361. Everyone in part 3(and their leaders, minus repeat characters) at once
1362. Everyone in part 4(and their leaders, minus repeat characters) at once
1363. Rapture round 4
1363.5. wait number 16
1364. Everyone in Act 4 at once
1365. Rapture round 5/Rapture hypertone
Section 80.666(Elysium)
1365.2. Rapture is infuriated that BF survived his onslaught and slashes him... multiple times(but not enough to shatter his mantle shield that Excelsor gave him)
1365.4. Translocatant, Aeternus and Excelsor interject and attempts to calm him down but to no avail
1365.6. some unknown force restrains Rapture and takes him away
1365.8. the others apologise to BF and send him back to their realm
Act 5(Great Expatriation)
Section 81(Reprisal)
note for the translocated forms: they arent actually the characters, they're aberration's made by the main 4(Translocatant, Aeternus, Excelsor and Rapture[except not actually bc Casteil is the one making them this time bc R is restrained and T, A and E are talking sense into him])
1366. Translocated Dave
1367. Translocated Bambi
1368. Translocated Tristan
1369. Translocated Expunged phase 1
1369.5. Translocated Expunged phase 2(aka. Translocated True Expunged
1370. Translocated Blood
1371. Translocated Catastrobi
1372. Translocated Iranis
1373. Translocated Omnibane
1373.5. Translocated Omnibane phase 2(aka. Translocated Overload Omnibane)
1374. Translocated Dan
1375. Translocated Hellbreaker
1376. Translocated Chromebi
1377. Eye of Translocation
1378. Translocated Demented
1379. Translocated Phobos
1380. Casteil + the other Translocated form characters
Section 82(APEX)
1381. Translocatant
1382. Aeternus
1383. Excelsor
1384. Rapture
1385. Translocatant + Aeternus
1386. Excelsor + Rapture
Section 82.333(Culmination)
1387. The Quartet round 1
1387.5. the 17th wait(we're on the home streach w/ the waits)
(im not even gonna try w/ the excluding characters
1388. Everyone in section 1
1389. Everyone in section 2
1390. Everyone in section 3
1391. Everyone in section 4
1392. Everyone in section 5
1393. Everyone in section 6
1394. Everyone in section 7
1395. Everyone in section 8
1396. Everyone in section 9
1397. Everyone in section 10
1398. Everyone in section 11
1399. Everyone in section 12
1400. Everyone in section 13
1401. Everyone in section 14
1402. Everyone in section 15
1403. Everyone in section 16
1404. Everyone in section 17
1405. Everyone in section 18
1406. Everyone in section 19
1407. Everyone in section 20
1408. Everyone in section 21
1409. Everyone in section 22
1410. Everyone in section 23
1411. Everyone in section 24
1412. Everyone in section 25
1413. Everyone in section 26
1414. Everyone in section 27
1415. Everyone in section 28
1416. Everyone in section 29
1417. Everyone in section 30
1418. Everyone in section 31
1419. Everyone in section 32
1420. Everyone in section 33
1421. Everyone in section 34
1422. Everyone in section 35
1423. Everyone in section 36
1424. Everyone in section 37
1425. Everyone in section 38
1426. Everyone in section 39
1427. Everyone in section 40
1428. Everyone in section 41
1429. Everyone in section 42
1430. Everyone in section 43
1431. Everyone in section 44
1432. Everyone in section 45
1433. Everyone in section 46
1434. Everyone in section 47
1435. Everyone in section 48
1436. Everyone in section 49
1437. Everyone in section 50
1438. Everyone in section 51
1439. Everyone in section 52
1440. Everyone in section 53
1441. Everyone in section 54
1442. Everyone in section 55
1443. Everyone in section 56
1444. Everyone in section 57
1445. Everyone in section 58
1446. Everyone in section 59
1447. Everyone in section 60
1448. Everyone in section 61
1449. Everyone in section 62
1450. Everyone in section 63
1451. Everyone in section 64
1452. Everyone in section 66
1453. Everyone in section 67
1454. Everyone in section 68
1455. Everyone in section 69
1456. Everyone in section 71
1457. Everyone in section 72
1458. Everyone in section 73
1459. Everyone in section 74
1460. Everyone in section 76
1461. Everyone in section 77
1462. Everyone in section 78
1463. Everyone in section 79
1464. Everyone in the showdown sections
1465. All the Translocated Forms
1466. All the leaders
1467. The Quartet round 2
1467.5. the 18th wait(3 more)
1468. Everyone in section 1 at once
1469. Everyone in section 2 at once
1470. Everyone in section 3 at once
1471. Everyone in section 4 at once
1472. Everyone in section 5 at once
1473. Everyone in section 6 at once
1474. Everyone in section 7 at once
1475. Everyone in section 8 at once
1476. Everyone in section 9 at once
1477. Everyone in section 10 at once
1478. Everyone in section 11 at once
1479. Everyone in section 12 at once
1480. Everyone in section 13 at once
1481. Everyone in section 14 at once
1482. Everyone in section 15 at once
1483. Everyone in section 16 at once
1484. Everyone in section 17 at once
1485. Everyone in section 18 at once
1486. Everyone in section 19 at once
1487. Everyone in section 20 at once
1488. Everyone in section 21 at once
1489. Everyone in section 22 at once
1490. Everyone in section 23 at once
1491. Everyone in section 24 at once
1492. Everyone in section 25 at once
1493. Everyone in section 26 at once
1494. Everyone in section 27 at once
1495. Everyone in section 28 at once
1496. Everyone in section 29 at once
1497. Everyone in section 30 at once
1498. Everyone in section 31 at once
1499. Everyone in section 32 at once
1500. Everyone in section 33 at once
1501. Everyone in section 34 at once
1502. Everyone in section 35 at once
1503. Everyone in section 36 at once
1504. Everyone in section 37 at once
1505. Everyone in section 38 at once
1506. Everyone in section 39 at once
1507. Everyone in section 40 at once
1508. Everyone in section 41 at once
1509. Everyone in section 42 at once
1510. Everyone in section 43 at once
1511. Everyone in section 44 at once
1512. Everyone in section 45 at once
1513. Everyone in section 46 at once
1514. Everyone in section 47 at once
1515. Everyone in section 48 at once
1516. Everyone in section 49 at once
1517. Everyone in section 50 at once
1518. Everyone in section 51 at once
1519. Everyone in section 52 at once
1520. Everyone in section 53 at once
1521. Everyone in section 54 at once
1522. Everyone in section 55 at once
1523. Everyone in section 56 at once
1524. Everyone in section 57 at once
1525. Everyone in section 58 at once
1526. Everyone in section 59 at once
1527. Everyone in section 60 at once
1528. Everyone in section 61 at once
1529. Everyone in section 62 at once
1530. Everyone in section 63 at once
1531. Everyone in section 64 at once
1532. Everyone in section 66 at once
1533. Everyone in section 67 at once
1534. Everyone in section 68 at once
1535. Everyone in section 69 at once
1536. Everyone in section 71 at once
1537. Everyone in section 72 at once
1538. Everyone in section 73 at once
1539. Everyone in section 74 at once
1540. Everyone in section 76 at once
1541. Everyone in section 77 at once
1542. Everyone in section 78 at once
1543. Everyone in section 79 at once
1544. Everyone in the showdown sections at once
1545. All the Translocated Forms at once
1546. All the leaders at once
1547. The Quartet round 3
1547.5. the 19th wait(2 more)
1548. Everyone in Act 1 Part 1
1549. Everyone in Act 1 Part 2
1550. Everyone in Act 1 Part 3
1551. Everyone in Act 1 Part 4
1552. Everyone in Act 2 Part 1
1553. Everyone in Act 2 Part 2
1554. Everyone in Act 2 Part 3
1555. Everyone in Act 2 Part 4
1556. Everyone in Act 3 Part 1
1557. Everyone in Act 3 Part 2
1558. Everyone in Act 3 Part 3
1559. Everyone in Act 3 Part 4
1560. Everyone in Act 4 Part 1
1561. Everyone in Act 4 Part 2
1562. Everyone in Act 4 Part 3
1563. Everyone in Act 4 Part 4 + everyone in Section 82
1564. The Quartet round 4
1564.5. the 20th wait(the penultimate wait)
1565. Everyone in Act 1
1567. Everyone in Act 2
1568. Everyone in Act 3
1569. Everyone in Act 4 + Section 82
1570. The Quartet round 5
1570.5. wait 21.(the final wait[god help you if you want to continue])
1571. Everyone in the full song
1572. 10 minute break(to compensate for your ears and fingers)
Section 82.666(Departure)
1572.125. The Quartet are utterly shocked that BF survived the full song
1572.25. Translocatant congratulates BF for surviving the song
1572.375. Translocatant opens a portal back to reality and sends bf on his way.
1572.5. fade to black
1572.625. ..?
1572.75. 2 unknown entities show up and inform the player that this is only the beginning
1572.875. the entities say something on the lines of "see you soon" and disappear.