3 months ago

Tree messages!!




  1. Hi vapor very funny happy holidays!! @VaporWaveThe_Synth

  2. ESTHERRR! I still kinda miss u but it's oke and very jolly! Merry Christmas!!

  3. LEGEND MY BOY! Glad to have you by my side in this holidays, I know you'll always be there for us! Hope you have a great time!! @TheLegend87

  4. Lilith! We may not be very close friends, but I do appreciate you, and this fun fact. I love your clown aesthetic too! @lilithcreature

  5. I don't know who you are and I can't deduce either from that message but happy holidays oreo!

  6. Flours. [Jk I do find you kinda fun just don't do that again will ya?? Happy Christmas]

  7. Hi June, was it expensive to actually send a cute message?? /j You're one of my best friends foreva, so merry holidays!!!! @Exeltiorr

  8. Hi lemmo, thanks. I kinda miss you and your art, and you'll prob not gonna see this but I wish you well.

  9. YOUUUU!! We've just recently become friends, but you're so cool and I love your pixel arts. Feliz navidad!!!!! @OrdinarySiamese_Random

  10. Car be being very carr-y this Xmas. I'm genuinely glad I've met you, happy Christmas car!! @Caro_

  11. Crazy cake!! I loove your models, they're amazing! Merry Christmas!! @YoBoi-CrazyCake

  12. Thank you for those messages!!! I wonder who you are. Happy holidays!!!

  13. Hollow!! Merry Christmas!!! @Xx0Hollow0xX

  14. Last but not least, STREBS!! you're so cool and I love your art, I wish you the merriest of days today!!! @StreberBatz



Next up

This was on a vid abt an old medicine book calling lesbianism an illness

[Scheduled on the 12th of february]

This image is what ukrainians' lives are currently.

In exactly 7 days, it'll be the anniversary of 3 years since the russo-ukrainian war's start, and i wanted to bring back attention to this.

[Cont in article]

Poor soul

What's this? Cherro has something for us? Huh... a cat!

: firealpaca | time: ~ 4.5 hours

@CherroDaDragon I want to run you over for this. good job on passing your test

bonus drawings: sidequests i did while working on the drawing

Literally who has ever said this.

Hmphhghhg I feel like I should do it but idk

I barely drew anything for @CherroDaDragon anymore, so.. here is a gift!!! HERE YOU GO CHERRO-!!