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me This is Me This is my Sona this is Myself
damn i havent posted here in a while look at me throwing an elephant mario down a flight of stairs
speaking of my fnaw origins take, here's an audio concept i quickly threw together some time last month or so
Welcome to the Nova! Alternate Reality, My Take on the Undertale Au, Alternate Reality. In Alternate Reality Frisk takes the role as sans being lazy... But if you chose the path of genocide...Your going have a bad time! So I will say again, Welcome
this vile fucking shading on this damn flower pisses me off so bad you can't even see it when he's in game
im in a dk phase rn
my ass been ghosting my fnaw take im sorry y'all lol i'm gonna try to get to learning godot, so when i get a good handle on how to use it the shebang will really start shebangin'. till then, take a look at this wario concept
hypothetical cabin fever take. moreso made as proof of concept to how i want future fnaw fangames i make to look
My Army. Behold them. The geeters. The march on their Feeters.
my mario comic