As promised I have brought the “Trigger Saint Lore” section over from my workshop page. This is still subject to change and will be updated as development progresses. Enjoy!
Magical warriors that were chosen at a young age, those pure of heart.To protect the floating city and it’s skyways. They trained in the ways of inner spirit, they could channel their inner spirit and use it to power their mighty weapons the Kuna Muskets. They also had the ability to traverse the realms through meditation, leaving their physical body behind.
-Trigger Saint-
Youngest of the sky mystics, saint prefers to keep to himself, meditating high above the clouds or reading a book about ancient magic and technology.
-The Kuna Musket-
A legendary weapon used by the wise mystics of old.Part staff, part lazer cannon this mighty weapon was powered by one’s inner spirit. The musket could be fitted with upgrades called Kuna Modules to provide new attacks and abilities. The color and overall power of the attacks was determined by the one wielding the musket. In Saints case it is the color purple, the color of shadows.
-The Sky Platforms “Skyways”-
Magical platforms built around the floating city to keep balance.They were known as the “Skyways” the mystics called these their home.
There were two, The spirit realm and the realm of chaos. The spirit realm a realm of peace and solitude, The Chaos realm a realm of darkness and despair. We were stuck in the middle or what most called “The Halfway”.It has been said that the mystics were created to keep balance between the two and to protect the helpless that resided in the “Halfway”.
Healing Salve-Saint’s very own home-made recipe, made from who knows what.A glowing green paste. Saint learned to make many medicines and tinctures growing up with the mystics.
Old Scope- A rusty, scuffed up scope. Fits most Kuna Musket models, raises your attack by 5 while in your inventory.
Vitality Stone- At one time this talisman was worn by the mystic known as Tremin, the very essence of life captured in a stone. Will raise your max health by 10 while in your inventory.
Spirit Stone- An old stone containing the spirit of a legendary hero. This will raise your max spirit by 10 while in your inventory.
Battle Shield- An energy shield best used in the heat of battle. Will block enemy projectiles for a short period of time. WARNING- Saint cannot charge spirit while a shield is active
Spirit Tank- These small tanks contain a small amount of spirit, great for one who likes to refill spirit during battle. Long ago these tanks were placed high on the sky platforms by the mystics, lost spirits would find their way to these magic containers and inhabit them until they found their way to the other side.
Orbs- These would only appear on the platforms in times of great need, they come in four colors red (health) purple (spirit) yellow(skill points) and green (stamina). They were strategically placed by the mystics for maximum efficiency.
Scavenger: Small pests, feeding off what others leave behind, not a huge threat.
Scout: Come in red and blue, blues are much faster and have higher health.
Floater: Small,speedy flying robtics, careful, these buggers are fast.
Tanker: Big, grumpy, silver and blue. Slow moving, fires large energy shots that do heavy damage.
Corrupted Orb: At one time these were normal healthy spirit orbs, when the evil came they were corrupted and turned into ticking time bombs.
Static Orb: These orbs travel along set paths and cannot be destroyed.
Meditation Station: The mystics use these to connect with the spirit realm, these stations were decorated with charms and small totems. Incense was always strong in the air when one was near.
Floating Switches: Switches that can only be activated by the power of the Kuna Musket, This ensured that nobody else could use the secret switches but the mystics.