Triton is a gentle-hearted, sweet-natured and loyal moon with a positive attitude. While he started out as timid and quiet, he has since opened up and become more outgoing over time.
Gender : Male
Species : Neptune's Moon
Age : 10
Birthday : June 2
Birthplace : South Island
Heights : 90 cm
Weights : 21 kg
Body : Coral Gray
Eyes : Blue
Attire : White and red plumber outfit, White gloves, Blue sneakers with white toes and gray soles
Alignment : Good
Favorite food : Pizza
Likes : Neptune and his friends, Adventures, Hanging around with Neptune, Helping others, Believing he can do something, Books, Studying, Telling others, Mapping, Sonic and his friends
Dislikes : Thunder, Ghosts, Being teased, Being bothered, when he is doing something complicated, Thinking he cannot do something, Dr. Eggman